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How was I meant to settle for the night? I did not like this change in positions. Killing at my own leisure was what I liked. Now I had someone out there, organising a attack against me that could come at any time. I rose from my blankets and paced the room. I was seething with angry and fury. I could understand why they would do it, I had been slowly killing my way through them for months now. And by this stage they must know whom I am hunting and why. I just had to make sure I was always one step in front. I gave up the useless battle waging inside me, and returned to my bed.

A light thud brought me out of my sleep. I did not move but continued to breath easily and waited. There were just the quiet sounds of the building resting for the night. A very slight foot step met my ears. So there was someone in my room. I let out a heavy sigh, a small snore and rolled over, resting my hand on the hilt of the sword by my side.I could now feel the presence in my room. It was cold and dark. The inaudible sound of quick light breaths that only my ears could hear. I parted my eyes slightly, I could see the dim shadows of the furniture around the room. Standing in the middle of the space was a solid black shadow, slight movements giving it away that it was living. Living for now at least.

They must have sensed that I was no longer asleep and that the element of surprise was lost. Springing across the room, the shadow let out a grunt as it lifted a weapon and drove it into the bed as I rolled to the side. Using my free hand, I reached out and wrapped the blanket around my opponents sword. It was unable to pull it free. Releasing my leg from the confines of the blanket, I let out a sharp kick to the shadows face. Hearing a satisfying crack, the shadow stumbled backwards and fell back onto its backside. Dropping the blanket from the sword in my hand, i grabbed it by the hilt and rose from the bed. I could still hear and see that who ever this was, was still laying on the floor, rolling from side to side, moaning from pain.

I walked around the body, a stoked the dying embers in the fireplace, adding a few twigs and dried branches, the fire came back to life. I got my first glimpse of the man at my feet. Blood was smeared over his face from his broken nose, but he was quite an attractive man. Tall with light brown hair, he had a solid body build with muscles. When he could open his eyes through the pain, he had the lightest blue eyes I had ever seen. A strong jaw line and brow. Quite handsome indeed. Yet there was no trace of darkness coming from him. So he must be a hired killer, I deduced. I must have done some major damage to his face, for this man did not look easy to drop. I stepped forward and rested my blade at his neck.

He stopped moving instantly and glared up at me. I smiled at the look of loathing on his face. 'Go sit on that chair. Now' I stated when he did not move. Slowly he got to his feet and walked to the chair. Sitting, he crossed his arms over his chest and let the blood from his face flow freely. 'I thought we might have a nice little chat about why you are in my room' I said as my smile grew larger. 'You realise it is quite unseemly to be alone with a woman you have just meet, unless she is a pleasure worker' I was spinning my sword around by the tip of its blade on the floor. The man clenched his jaw. 'Oh, no sweet words for me? Can I at least know the name of the man who has seen me in such a vulnerable state?'

I realised at this that I was dressed only in my underclothes, exposing my upper arms and tattoo's. The man was staring at them, like I had the plague. Angry, I stood and grabbed a shirt and slid it over my head, raising my sword at the man as he tried to stand while my back was turned. 'No, no, no. That is not how this game is played' I smiled at him but only anger showed in my eyes. 'You do not scare me woman, so just kill me now and be done with it' The man spat at me. 'Now why would I want to do that?' I asked innocently, 'I am not trying to scare you yet, when I am, you will know. But what I would like, is your damn name as I asked' I said, fire rising in my voice. He clenched his jaw tighter. Fine, play it your way, I thought.

A Right Hand WomanWhere stories live. Discover now