Chapter 6

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Marcus' POV

The smell of bacon and eggs awaken me from my deep sleep. I throw on a hoodie and go down the stairs, still half asleep of course. By the time I get into the kitchen I am completely awake. Just being in her presence sends a rush through my body.


"Marcus honey I made you some bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning!" she says.

"Thanks love!" I tell her as I wrap my arms around her waist, giving her a kiss on the nose.

She kisses me back, on the lips this time, and instantly I'm reeled in. I soon pull back and look at the time realising I must get to work soon.

"Save some for later pretty lady," I tell her, giving her one last kiss on the lips before I head out the door to go to work.


"Marcus... Marcus," I hear someone call.

"Sorry what?" I reply shaking my head trying to focus in on the situation. Damn. I must've been day dreaming. I thought it all seemed to good.

"I said, do you want toast with that?" she asks.

"No that'll be fine thanks." I reply.

I try the breakfast she has made for me and the first bite is glorious. My goodness she must be quite the chef. I thought my mom was a good cook but this tastes great. I quickly gobble it all up and put my dishes away in the sink.

"Thanks for breakfast!" I say as I begin to run up the stairs.

"Wait Marcus... hold on a second" Katie says to me.

My heart picks up speed as I walk back down the stairs to see what she wants. I hope it's not anything about last night.

"Is there anything special you'd like to do today? I figured since you and your brother have been well behaved we could do something special." she tells me.

Well we could go on a date... I tell myself. Too soon? Yeah I thought so.

"Hmm... I'm not sure maybe we could just walk around downtown, check out the buskers maybe. But you can ask Riley about it too." I say to her.

"That sounds fun! I figured since you're the oldest you should have some say. So when do you want to leave? Around eleven?" she replies.

Just her voice when she talks gives me goosebumps.

"Yeah that sounds great." I tell her as I head back up the stairs to my room.



I figured it's better I update a couple times a week with a short chapter rather than barely ever with long chapters. If anyone has any input on what should happen downtown leave a comment.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

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