It sounded like where ever she was at was filled with a bunch of wind and people. I hope I didn't catch her while she was shooting or on her way to a business meeting or something like that.

"...Oh hey Pac. I'm at the airport" she said in an unsure tone.

I sat up in the bed and raised a brow. "Airport? For leaving?"

"...Yeah umm something came up back in LA and I had to leave early"

"Oh" I dryly said. "So, I aint gonna- "

"Jada baby we gotta get on the plane" I heard a familiar voice say in the background.

My nose flared as I nodded my head. "You could of just told me your man was coming to get you J. you aint have to lie to me and said what you said"

"I didn't lie" Jada defended her self. "I just didn't want you to get upset. And I didn't know if you were really coming back. Besides I don't think Kidada wants me around you"

"You are my best friend Jada", I reminded her. "That's just some shit she gotta deal with whether she like it or not. But damn I always keep my word when I say I'ma be somewhere I mean that shit. You of all people should know this by now"

"Pac, I hear you but I gotta- "

"Man tell him you'll call him when you touch down", Will said in the background.

"...I-I gotta go Pac my plane is coming"

"Jada...Jada don't hang up just yet...-

Before I could get anything else out, I was greeted with the dial tone. I slammed the phone back on to the receiver and immediately lit my cigarette. That was fucked up if you ask me. Will and Kidada be on some whole another level shit when it comes to me and Jada interacting.

Why the fuck they just can't accept the fact that two friends have an immense amount of love for one another. Just cause two people love each other don't mean that they fucking or will fuck. You just love some one that much cause they understand you more than anyone else ever could.

But its cool though. That nigga Will gonna deal with it the same way Kidada better come up with a plan to deal with it. cause not now or ever will Jada and I stop being friends. Ever.

Later that Evening.

"Jada." Will said to me as he cut his piece of steak. "You been quiet all night. I set up this romantic evening for you and you haven't said a word since we came back"

I played around with the pasta on my plate. I didn't have an appetite and I didn't wanna keep answering Will's questions. I called Pac back about thirteen times since we reached LA but I didn't get no answer. I hope he isn't mad at me. I hate when me and him get into arguments. It makes me feel like I lost my other half.

"Jada", Will said again with a more serious tone.

I looked up. "Will, I don't know what you want me to say"

"Hell something. How about thank you for planning this evening"

I rolled my eyes and tossed my fork onto my plate and scooting the chair back from the dinner table. "You planned this evening for me and...- "

"Well sorry for wanting to do something nice for my girlfriend for a change. You over here moping about the next dude who aint your dude and giving your man the cold shoulder because of some little petty argument ya'll gotten into?" Will cut me off as he threw his steak knife down on the table.

"You two sometimes act like ya'll are dating or having an affair or something"

I jerked my head and widened my eyes. "Fuck you tryna say?"

There was a brief pause in between us as we just stared at each other. Will sucked his teeth and stood up from the table and hovering his tall frame over my small petite frame. 

"I think I'm saying it", Will replied as he stared down at me.

"Go to hell", I said through clenched teeth and pushing passed him. "You got some fucking nerve to sit here and accuse me of fucking my best friend how fucking dare you Will!"

Will shook his head and went to turn on the television as I stepped inside of the room and wiped my already forming tears from the rim of my eyes.

"This just in. Rapper Tupac Shakur a successful rap artist on Death Row Records which is owned by Business mogul Marion "Suge" Knight has been shot in a drive by shooting in Las Vegas this evening. The story is still developing and we will update and continue to follow this story. I am Linda Maine on KTLA News. 

Are U Still Down ? • Tupac Shakur & Jada Pinkett [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now