Chapter One: The Awakening

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     I awake suddenly and jolt upwards, my robotic innards creaking like a moody teenager reluctant to get up. I groan in pain, a low buzzing noise, when I try to move, and realise that I am hooked up to an IV stand and a drip, the contents of which have long been emptied into my system. I wince in synthesised pain as I pulls out the IV and I cringe at the infection potential of being attached to it for so long.

So long? I think. How long have I been here? I attempt to check using my robot memory, but the files have been damaged.

Shit, I think.

I swing my human-esque legs off the side of the hospital bed and call out, "Hello? Is anybody here?".

No response. I creak into a standing position, faux legs aching from being horizontal for so long, and head towards the room's door. I open it, and poke my balding head outside, into the hospital's corridor. No sight of anybody. I begin to walk down the corridor, passing doors that have been hastily painted in red paint with worrying phrases such as "don't open" and "run". I quickly mark the presentation of the handwriting (E2), and then use my robot X-Ray vision to view what is inside.

When I see that it is full of dead bodies, I recoil, horrified. My three toes curl up in revulsion, and I continue down the corridor. I had just deducted that I am alone in the hospital when I hear a noise.

It's a passing train. The Dismergent train! It must be heading to Dawntshless! I think excitedly, and I run out of the closest exit, into the open PanemChicagoWICKEDAirstripOneNewPrettyTown air, and chase down the train. I've made it I thinks to myself excitedly.

But then I hear a voice from behind me.


Thanks for reading the first chapter !! Spent a while writing this, so negative comments will be blocked and deleted! Remember to vote for me in the wattys, and happy reading !!

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Margie D: The Last CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now