"That's horrible!" Jayce could feel his stomach continuing to turn. Did everyone in the guild have a past like this?

"Aye, was only thirteen then. Cut me all the way down to my hip and left me to die in the alley." Jayce could only stare at her in shock that she managed to survive such an injury.

"You're saying you took a sword across your entire chest that young and lived?" Luna nodded in answer before letting a grin cross her face.

"Aye, play yer cards right, maybe buy me a drink and I'll show you later."

"Pfft hah!" Roland banged the table with his hand at the sight of Jayce's face turning red.

"That's not..." Luna was already waving a hand laughing as hard as Roland was.

"Yer an innocent one ain't ye? Gotta fix that o'er you'll wind up dead. Women like a man who takes charge and doesn't balk so easily. Best to work on that!"

"I'll keep that in mind." Jayce rolled his eyes embarrassed that he was being pushed around by a pair of NPC's. The door leading to Rose's office opened making all three jump in their seats. Luna and Roland both glanced at Jayce nervously while quickly drinking from their mugs. Jayce turned around slowly fearing the worst after how tense things had been when the two women kicked him out of the office. The mug in his hand fell from his grasp clattering to the floor. Of all the things that made no sense this topped everything.

"We'll take care of it Rose don't worry." Jemza turned to face the redhead holding both her hands. Even with her eyepatch covering on of her eyes there was a sense of relief that showed in the other.

"I couldn't be more thankful. This means so much to me." Rose bowed once squeezing Jemza's hands.

"I know, that's why we will make sure this is done right." Jemza and Rose both pulled each other close hugging one another. The sight of it made Jayce's mouth open stupidly. Just what was going on here?

"You will come back and see me afterwards right? I must admit I will be a nervous wreck with anticipation." Rose patted Jemza's cheek with one of her hands and the white haired girl nodded with a smile.

"Of course, right away." With one last squeeze Rose pushed Jemza back and spun her around.

"Off you go then my dear. Please be safe." She slapped Jemza on the rear making her jump in surprise, but otherwise it brought no reaction from her. Jayce continued to stare in a daze. This had to be some sort of dream right? These two were at each other's throats not long ago and now they were like two sisters.

"Jayce, come." Jemza strode by where he sat heading for the door that would lead out of the Infiltrators Den.

"Come? I'm not a dog." Roland and Luna both stifled their laughs as Jayce stood up and followed her.

"Til next time Jayce." Roland raised his mug still trying not to laugh.

"Remember what I said. Take charge!" Luna cheered making Jayce mumble under his breath. Jemza's walk seemed to have a bounce to it as he followed her out of the tavern and back up the stairs into the tunnel. What had her so excited? Furthermore, just what happened back there with Rose?

"Saw you made some friends in the guild. You understand now don't you?" Jemza didn't look back, but asked the question from up ahead.

"No, I can honestly say I don't understand a single thing about what just happened." He heard a slight giggle from her before she responded.

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