Bloody Roses

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Prompt: Michael & Ray

Requested by: horseing_brotato

Ray glanced over at the dreamy Michael Jones and sighed just a little too loudly.

Michael looked over confused, "What's a matter Ray?" Ray blushed gently but under his dark skin Michael didn't notice.

"Just tired...That's all." Michael rose an eyebrow at him.

"You sure? You've been sighing like that alot." Ray looked around uneasily trying to avoid the question. Gavin noticed his friends tight spot and tried to gather the angry red heads attention.

"So Micoo did you do todays Rage Quit?" Michael swivled around.

"Damnit!" He muttered.

"Ray can you help me get something from the storage closet." Ray cocked an eyebrow.

"Why can't you-" Gavin shook his head hinting.

Ray nodded," I guess just cause your a weak fuck." He got up and followed Gavin out.

"What's up with you lately Ray?" Gavin said once they left. Ray shuffled his feet awkwardly.

"Nothing..." He said hesitantly.

"Really Ray what's up?" Ray bit his lip.

"Promise you won't tell?" Gavin nodded eyes wide.

"I-I like Michael. Like like like." He stared down a bright red. Gavin giggled.

"Team Better Friends." Ray glared.

"I won't tell." Gavin smiled evilly.

"Gavin please." Gavin took off around the corner.

"MICOO!!!!! RAY HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!!!!" Ray ran after him.

"IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU GAVIN!!!" Ray stopped dead as Gavin hid behind a confused Michael.

"What's going on?" Michael asked.

"Ray has something to tell you." Gavin giggled out. Ray gave him a death stare. "What is it Ray?" Michael refocused his attention.

"U-Uh...." Michael shoved Gavin off his shoulder.

"Ray?" He said.

"Ireallylikeyou.Imsorry." Ray said quickly. Michael looked confused at first then smiled.

"Ray...?" Ray looked up and Michael leaned forward and gently kissed the Puerto Rican.

"I really like you too."

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