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i wish vampires exist
if only they exist,
i wish i could be one;
so i can live way before you
and die way after you
so i can not and will not feel these feelings you give me

so i can feel immortal and not die  when you sweep me off of my feet
so i can fly but still not fly the way you lift me in the air
so i can see you fall asleep without seeing me, dear

so i can control people and tell them to stay away from you
so i can finally feel the wonders when you were brought to this world
and feel the pain afterwards when you disappear and die

i wish i could be a vampire
so that i can love you without hesitations
so i can guide you and protect you at all costs
i wish i could be a vampire,
so i can seeth through the fires,
knowing that whatever happens,
my love for you is always immortal

whole poems from a broken girlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon