All I Need Is You

Start from the beginning

"Hello, everyone." Ai silenced the cheering
crowd with his usual, beautiful voice.

Everyone is silent.. and stares at him for a while...
They felt something different about him..
But they do know he is the same Ai.

"I'm back."
Ai smiled.

The fan girls squealed and cheered even more,
as if their 'kokoro' (heart) was struck by an arrow
for more than a hundred times. Simply put, love struck.
That smile was branded as one of those killer smiles.
For he was known as the cold, lonely A.I. For him
to smile... to SEE him smile... it gives you an unexplainable
feeling, but one thing is certain, there is joy in it.

"Ai-Ai..!" Reiji happily calls out to him.

"Mikaze.." Camus and Ranmaru stares at him silently.

Ai looks at them and thanks them.
He then reverts his eyes on the crowd,
awaiting for him to take his next action.

"I will perform with Quartet Night once again.
  But before that.. I would like to use this chance

  as an opportunity to tell you something important..
  and let you hear my song.. for one certain person."
Ai is still wearing that cheerful smile of his while speaking.

"F-For one certain person?!" The fangirls gasped
and also blushed at the same time.

"Will you allow me to?" Ai asks them.

"Y-Y-YES!!!" The crowd immediately answers.

"Sure thing, Ai-Ai!" Reiji winks.

"Go for it, Mikaze." Camus smirks and
Ranmaru gives Ai a thumbs up.

"Very well then..." Ai takes a deep breath.

Ai sings.

"If there was no future,
If everything ended today,
What would you do?
In the time we have left
Before we lose everything,

I would hold you close."

As he begun singing, he, like before,
locks his eyes on her, on his beloved one. Lily.
She does the same. She felt her heart flutter
with joy as she listen to his angelic voice.

"It seems like my fingers have already been torn off
In the cold wind
What was I doing?
Who do I love?
I’ll etch it softly into my mind
The way I met you,
How we laughed and cried together,
One by one, I want to make each of them precious
So that I’ll have no regrets"

This time, it's him whose tears could no longer stop.

The professor made sure to give him the ability to cry.
(Even though that's not much really necessary info now is it? *chuckles*)

"If there was no future,
If everything ended now,
What would you do?
In our limited time,
Before we lose everything,
I would shout out your name---"

He took a pause and called her name.

"Yes I would, Emily.. my dearest Lily, Venus."

And continued to sing once again.

"In order to live fast and furious,
Some people overtake my shoulders
What did I want to do
And for who’s sake?
Am I thinking about this properly?
How I spent time with you,
How we frolicked in the piling snow,
One by one, I want to burn them all into my memory
Even this moment now."

What Is Love? [UtaPri: Ai Mikaze Fan Fict]Where stories live. Discover now