Are You Jealous? (Again)

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Are You Jealous? (Again)

And so on, the filming continued.
It became a major success.
On an awards night, they watch it.

"Just.. a tear~ drop~ away~ I'm close to the answer,
  am I close to the answer?~ Waiting everyday~
  Staying in the cold forever, don't save me, don't even bother.
  the world.. will be frozen by my hand, no one will dare stand~"
The Ice Princess hums as she is lying down on ice, surrounded
by nothing, an empty wasteland.

A portion of the ice right next to her melted and the merman used
that as an opportunity to look at her.

"You sing beautifully." The merman looked at her from above.

"Don't look at me." She gave up on fighting him and turned around.

Suddenly, the merman decided to crack the ice even more.
The ice crumbled apart and the princess fell to the water.
She immediately strived for air and splashed the water all
over the face as she struggled up.

"*huff* *huff* what.. do you think you're doing?!" The princess
enrages again as they both float in water.

"I love when you panic" He smiles at her as he tries
to approach the princess even closer.

She splashes him with water to push him away,
"Don't touch me!"

The merman just smirked, he almost seemed happy.
As the princess swims away from him, he suddenly
pulled her down the water and held her to stop her
struggling. She keeps hitting him but he doesn't
care. What he only did was smile... and kiss her.

Eventually, she gave in to his temptation.
She felt her strength be drained by the water
and his passionate kiss.

A light suddenly appeared underwater,
it became so strong. A beam connected
to the heavens lightened up the white empty
world. The frozen world slowly melted along
with the people who was in suspended death
in the ice. The merman finally became human.

His feelings who was believed to be buried in
the depths of the ocean's abyss, to be in an
eternal slumber... and the heart she tried to
keep frozen... they've awakened.

"I will reward you with my crystal heart,
  please take care of it for an eternity."

The Princess finally smiled at him.

"I vow to thee that I shall take care of thy
  crystal heart for an eternity and in return,
  I will love you."
The merman who is now a
human vowed to him.

People witnessed their love confession
and once again shared a passionate kiss.
and with that, the frozen world is back to
normal again... as long as their love will
last... for an eternal.

The people in the area gave a standing ovation
as the movie ended, they applaused Crystal/Lily
and Ai who was sat next to each other.
Although Ai seemed ignoring everyone, he truly
felt glad about it. Lily/Crystal smiles at everyone.

Finally the awarding needs to take place.
The emcee calls over the awardees and
nominants... later, the best movie has finally
been selected. Eternal won and the cast
rejoiced together. The best part is Crystal
and Ai won best actress and actor.

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