"Was that Will and Aaron at the door?" Harry stands up straight, my arms falling involuntarily from his waist. I feel like I've been slapped - why is he being so cold?

"You didn't answer my question so why should I answer yours?" I cross my arms and lean on my left foot. If Harry wants to be distant, I can be distant. I may be overreacting, but I'm not taking any shit. From anyone. I've been pushed around before and it isn't going to happen again.

Harry looks confused for a moment, then he closes his eyes and sighs. His arms reach out to me and I hesitate before allowing them to envelope me. He's relaxed this time, and the frustration that he felt from the mysterious phone call seems to be gone. He holds my tightly against him and pulls away only a little to press his lips against my forehead.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispers and I don't quite remember why I was mad at him in the first place.

"Hey Harry did I ever tell you about that time Louis broke his balls?" I choke on the air and Will's blunt outburst.

"The fuck Will? I did not break my balls, stop telling everyone that." Harry raises an eyebrow from his position in the chair next to me. I pull my legs up to my chest and sigh, cursing Will and everything he holds dear for bringing this up.

"I was still in school, and I was at a party right? Well I ended up getting shit faced drunk-"

"He pissed in our flower pot," Will chimes. I throw a decorative pillow at him.

"-and it was past my curfew so I climbed into our window, which was upstairs. I just climbed the tree and tried swinging my leg into the window frame. Mind you I did this all the time, so it shouldn't have been particularly difficult but I was considerably wasted so I-"

"He missed and fell off of the branch, and onto a lower branch. He landed on his-"

"My balls," I shoot Will a glare and silently dare him to say anything else about my embarrassing past.

He doesn't say any more, too busy nearly pissing himself from laughter. Aaron laughs at Will's laughter and I throw another pillow.

I turn to see Harry's reaction, and immediately wish that I didn't. He's hunched over from laughing so hard and inaudible laughter is escaping his lips. He is probably imagining my balls being shriveled from the blow, me grimacing out of pain. I make a mental note to get revenge on Will.

"He laid there the rest of the night," Will gasps and tries restraining his laughter. "Just crying and blubbering like a baby."

"It hurt!" I cringe, remembering the pain and thanking myself for drinking so much. The pain probably would have been multiplied if I was sober. But, if I was sober I wouldn't have fallen either.

I narrow my eyes at Will, then an idea comes to mind.

"Did I ever tell you guys about the time Will nearly hooked up with our elderly neighbor?"

"That wasn't funny, Louis." Will frowns at me as he is leaning against the side of the bathroom door. He asked me to talk alone after I told Harry and Aaron the story about his confused, drunk session with Mrs. Wheeler from next door.

"You told my boyfriend something embarrassing about me, so it's only fair if the favor is returned. Now what did you have to talk to me about?" I can't think of anything that he couldn't say in front of Harry and Aaron.

This seems to flip a switch in Will, and he bites his nails nervously.

"What did you think about mom coming over to visit?" Oh. I should have expected this conversation, probably even started it myself. I would have, if I had something to say. And I don't.

"You know how I feel about her, no matter what you do to forgive her I'm not." Will seems to have forgiven the woman for what she allowed, but I'm not as soft. She is lucky enough that I never pressed charges, she won't have both of her sons back in her life if I have something to do about it.

Will frowns. "Even considering,,,?"

I scoff. "Considering what? Nothing has changed."

I can hear Harry and Aaron talking in the living room, and I'm glad that they seem to be becoming friends.

Will squints his eyes, and I can tell that I'm missing something here. I wait patiently as he comes up with his response.

"Wait... she didn't tell you why she came?"

I stare at my feet absentmindedly. "She said it was for my birthday, what else?" I wish he would just spit it out already.

Will seems to be lost for words.

"I can't believe she didn't tell you." I feel like hitting my head against the wall. Tell me what?

"Just spit it out already." My words are sharp.

Will's face turns red, and his frown deepens.

"Shecce pragneite," He blurts and I lay my hand on his shoulder.

"English please?"

He sighs, regaining his composure.

"She's pregnant."

~~ Author's Note ~~

Okay so I know that chapter was reeeeeeaalllly short, and I'm sorry but finals are coming up and it's so overwhelming and ugh. I'm not losing interest in the story I promise guys but I'm so busy and never have enough time to write.

Just a heads up - the story may not go how you want for a while but just remember to trust me and keep in mind that I want them to be together too so I won't do anything too unfixable :-)

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