Chapter 2

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Aron's POV

We all walked down Sunset Boulevard, looking around at all the shops.

I walked with my head down and my eyes on the ground.

I stared at all the cracks in the sidewalk, the plants growing from them.

I pulled on the sleeves of my hoodie, making sure they covered the majority of my arms and hands.

I sighed quietly, keeping to the back of the group and stuffing my hands in my pockets.

I started to feel lightheaded, the world around me starting to spin.

I leaned against a nearby bench, taking a few deep breaths.

I knew I was feeling like this because I hadn't eaten at all today and I've barely drank anything.

I hadn't noticed the others stopped walking and turned around to look at me.

Jorel was the first to approach me.

He put a hand on my shoulder, kneeling down next to me.

" You alright Ar?" he asked quietly, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"yeah...I'm....I'm fine... " I murmered in reply, attempting to stand up straight.

" are you sure? You look a little pale " he said, grabbing my arm to help keep me up.

I winced when his hand gripped my arm.

I could tell he noticed but luckily he didn't say anything about it.

He let go of my arm once I'd steadied myself and we continued to walk down the Boulevard.

It was only five minutes later when I started to feel dizzy and lightheaded again.

I just continued walking though.

Then, all of a sudden everything went black.

Jorel's POV

" you alright Ar? " I asked quietly, looking at him worriedly.

"yeah...I'm....I'm fine...." he mumbled.

I didn't believe him though.

" are you sure? You look a little pale " I said as he attempted to stand up.

I grabbed his arm to help keep him steady.

When I did grip his arm I noticed him wince.

It worried me more.

I didn't say anything about it though.

Once he seemed steady on his feet I let go of his arm and we all continued walking.

I kept glancing at him every so often though because I didn't believe that he was okay and I wanted to keep an eye on him.

As I glanced over at him I noticed he looked even more pale.

Then he closed his eyes and practically fell to the ground.

" Aron!" I shouted, rushing over to his side.

I could feel the anxiety bubbling in my stomach as I slowly freaked out.

I picked him up and carefully held him in my arms.

He weighed barely anything and it was honestly scary.

My mind kept screaming at me.

"we have to get him to the hospital!" I shouted, practically bolting away from everyone.

Luckily, the hospital was in running distance so that's exactly what I did.

As soon as I got there I rushed to the front desk.

" You...You have to help him! Please!" I cried out.

A few nurses came rushing over, taking Aron from me.

I wanted to go with but they wouldn't allow me to.

I was practically shaking when a nurse came up to me to ask me questions.

" sir, I need you to calm down so I can ask you some questions. " The nurse said.

" I..I know. I'm sorry, I just really worry about him and I need to know he's okay " I replied.

" I get that sir. Now, I need to ask a few questions to you about your friend" she said.

"okay" I mumbled.

" what is his name?"

" Aron Erlichman "

" okay, I should be able to find him in the database. One more question. Do you know how well Mr. Erlichman's eating habits are?"

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