~Never Trust the Silent Ones~

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The club was packed out with every kind of body modification being shown off proudly. Some things Luna had seen and some she had not, like the girl who willingly amputated her right leg so she could resemble an old fashion pirate. It was all very interesting and entertaining to watch.

She and Lena had hung out in the rafters and on their silks and hoops for the majority of the night, silently praising the gods when they had a moment to slide their way to the floor for a potty break.

As soon as her bare feet hit the cold, cemented floor, her eyes were searching the crowd for the mystery man. Lena grabbed her hand, suddenly right beside her.

"Who are you looking for?" She asked close to Luna's ear, the music almost drowning her out.

Luna chewed her lip nervously as she realized people were watching them. She smiled and shook it off, squeezing Lena's hand and nodding her head in the direction of the bathrooms. A few people tried to stop them and ask questions, but they politely excused themselves and promised to return momentarily. Luna wasn't so sure about Lena, but her bladder was about to burst.

It was weird to walk into the deserted bathroom and be surrounded by silence, Luna's ears were still ringing from the music that was being continuously through the speakers.

"You gunna tell me who you were looking for now?"

"I'm not sure who he is. It was the guy who I feel right in front of, did you see him?"

"Are you seriously asking me that? Did you not see who I landed in front of?"

Luna laughed as she flushed the toilet and ran to wash her hands. Mangers were sometimes finicky about their hired performers taking too much time to use the bathrooms and rest, she wasn't sure how the man who hired them would turn out, but so far they had had no problems.

"I'm sorry what was I thinking?" She grinned as she dried her hands off, checking her makeup. "Out of all the people in that place and you manage to find Meto?" Luna shook her head, small sparkles of glitter raining down.

"Right?! Are the j-rock gods TRYING to kill me?! It was all I could do not to let go and drop on him..." she paused and raised her fingers making quotation marks in the air. "Accidentally."

Luna grinned and mimicked her fingers. "Right, accidentally. I'm pretty sure if you had come any closer, the crazy fan girls of the Meto loving world would have descended upon you like an unholy monster of hell."

Lena squinted at Luna, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not exactly sure what an unholy monster of hell is, but you're probably right. I'd rather not upset the fan world at the moment."

They exited the bathroom, the music hitting them full force, the bass now heavier and faster like before, but this time it was an actual band Luna recognized, Dadaroma.

"I wonder if any of them are here tonight..." Lena mumbled as they walked back into the mass of people. Luna loved the fact that they sometimes shared a mind meld ESP of sorts.


They turned in unison to see Yoshiatsu as if he had just waltzed right out of their ESP conversation. Luna's heart leapt into her throats as she felt Lena's grip tighten around her hand. It was always the hardest part about performing at private events, pretending you didn't want to freak out and tell them how much you loved their music or whatever they did for a living. It was always easy when they were hired for ordinary people, but when it came to the music industry, forget it.

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