➸chapter 2

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Hi everyone! I decided that I would post the next chapter right away just so you guys get more of a sense of what the story will be about. Any ways enjoy! And please tell me what you think by leaving a comment or voting :)

I woke up the next morning an hour before my alarm would go off "5:25am" I mumbled to myself. I sighed and stood up stretching before grabbing my clothes I had picked out last night. Since I was already up I might as well get ready for the day.  I hopped in the shower and did my usual routine before drying myself off and getting into my clothes. Since I had some extra time today I decided I would actually do something with my hair since I am meeting 5sos tonight. I blow dried my hair before adding curls to the end of my naturally wavy hair. After I was done with that I applied my usual mascara and eyeliner and looked in the mirror satisfied. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone turning it on. No one ever texted me any ways so I often wondered why I had a phone...oh wait to read fanfiction, yes I was into that. I then picked up my bag and car keys and headed downstairs dropping my bag by the couch before heading to the kitchen.

I decided since I still had plenty of time left before I had to go to school I would make my mom and I pancakes. I opened the cabinet and took out the mix pouring it in a bowl and adding water before putting the mix on the griddle. After a few minutes the whole kitchen smelt like pancakes and it was amazing. "Mmm something smells amazing" My mom said walking in to the kitchen and pouring herself her morning coffee. "Well I figured I still had time before I went to school so I would make us something good" I handed my mom her plate and syrup before sitting across from her with mine. "So you're going to Abby's after school because you're seeing that band 5 Seconds of Winter?" I rolled my eyes "5 Seconds of Summer mom" I smiled and took a bite of my pancakes "and yes I am i'm not too sure what time I'll be home since we are meeting the band after but it'll be before midnight I promise" My mom nodded and picked up her newspaper "Okay you better, and don't try running off with any of the band members" she joked. "Ha yeah mom okay" I stood up and placed my plate in the sink and went to go pick up my bag to head to school. "Bye mom!" "Bye hunny have fun at the concert!" She replied before I closed the front door and stepped in my car to head to school.

As soon as I pulled into the parking lot I saw Abby run towards my car with a huge grin on her face, I laughed to myself, she was such a weirdo but I loved it. I stepped out of my car and immediently Abby started bouncing up and down saying "oh my gosh we're meeting 5sos tonight we're actually meeting them!!" Yes Abby I know I'm going to be there remember?" I smirked. "Sorry I'm just so excited i'm going to be in the presence of the love of my life Michael Clifford!" I laughed again, Michael was cute from the pictures I've seen and he dyes his hair all these different colors and I think it's awesome.

Abby and I talked all about how amazing we think the concert will be tonight until Zack came over to us. "Kaylee right?" He said. "Uh uh yeah that's me" I laughed nervously. "I meant to ask for your number yesterday when we ran into eachother in the parking lot but you walked away kinda quickly so I was wondering if I could have it now?" He smiled at me, gosh his smile was perfect, he was perfect. "Oh well sorry about that but of course you can have it now" He handed me his phone and I put my number in I was shaking so much I could hardly type but I don't think he noticed. "Here you go" I handed him back his phone and nervously smiled. "Awesome thanks, I'll text you later okay?" He said before walking off. When he was out of sight Abby let out the most annoying shriek "oh my gosh Kaylee you just gave Zack your number!" "I know I know!" I replied blushing. This is the first time a guy has ever asked for my number and it was a great feeling.

After classes ended for the day I walked to my car and waited for Abby so we could head to her house and get ready for the concert. As I was looking aimlessly around my phone beeped telling me I had a new text message"

Unknown: Hey it's Zack!

I smiled to myself, this all seemed so unreal to me. I saved Zack's number in my phone before replying.

Me: Hey Zack! :)

Zack: What are u up to?

Me: Going to Abby's to get ready for a concert tonight so i'll text you later okay??

Zack: Sounds cool! Talk to you later Kaylee!

I shut my phone after staring at the text messages from Zack and smiling. "What's got you all smiley?" Abby said walking up to my car and sitting in the passengers seat. I sat down and started the car "Oh um just Zack" I looked down blushing. Abby did another one of her annoying shrieks and we headed towards her house.

When we arrived at Abby's of course the first thing she did was change my whole outfit she gave me one of her maroon skater skirts, a black crop top and a pair of her black boots. "Oh Kaylee you look amazing!" She said as I looked in the mirror admiring Abby's work. I liked the outfit even though it wasn't my usual style I still thought it looked pretty good. "What time is it?" "Um almost 5" Abby said. "Crap we should probably go now right?" I nodded and we walked out to my car. As we approached the radio station I couldn't help but get more and more nervous. I was really excited for the concert part but the meeting the band part was just messing with me a little bit.

When we arrived at the radio station I noticed about 50 or so girls waiting outside, I figured there wouldn't be much since it is happening at a radio station. We got out of my car and walked over to where the other girls were waiting. I noticed a few of them wearing 5 Seconds of Summer merchandise. "Abby!" A voice called. We looked over and saw Abby's dad walking our way. "Hey girls how would you like to come inside with me so you can get the closest seats?" We both looked at eachother and nodded before walking in and noticing the glares from some of the girls. When we got inside we walked into a medium sized room with no seats, and a good sized stage set up front. No one was in here yet which was pretty awesome. "Okay have fun girls and the concert should start soon" "Okay bye dad thanks!" Abby said. I waved before he walked away. "Wow I can't believe we're right in front of the stage. Abby Said. "Me either, this is going to be amazing" I agreed.

Soon everyone from outside shuffled in, I got shoved a few times because people were trying to get up front but luckily we kept our spots. Once everyone was settled in 4 guys came out carrying 2 guitars, 1 bass and 1 carrying what looked to be a box drum. I immediently smiled realizing it was the band and I looked over to Abby noticing the huge smile on her face. Girls started screaming things from "Luke I love you!" or "Michael have my babies!" It was hilarious. "Hello everyone!" Luke said into the microphone that was set up in front of him?" Are you all ready to hear a few acoustic songs??!" Girls started screaming again and I couldn't help but join in. The band started playing a song I recognized as Voodoo Doll since I listened to it last night, this was definately one of my favorites. Abby was freaking out next to me and I couldn't help but laugh. The whole time I was mesmorized by the drummer Ashton. He was wearing a Captain America muscle tee and had the cutest curls. When they finished the song I was snapped out of my trance and cheered. The band started looking around the audience and smiling and I swear I caught Ashton looking at me multiple times but before I could fully tell I looked down and blushed. The guys played a few more amazing songs before it was time to go meet the band. We were all lead to another side part of the building to form a line. "The concert was amazing and now we're going to meet the band! Ahh I'm going to die!" Abby said. "Well don't do it before you meet the band okay?" She nodded and laughed at me. "So I couldn't help but notice you staring at Ashton the whole time, does someone have a little crush?" She teased. I shoved her arm playfully and laughed. The line started moving and before we knew it we were almost towards the front. My palms started sweating and I was becoming a little shaky, oh gosh we're actually about to meet 5 Seconds of Summer.


Okay there's chapter 2! Please leave me some comments & votes just so I know what everyone thinks! It would mean alot :D Oh and please follow me on my new tumblr! http://dauntlesslashton.tumblr.com/ I'll have the next update soon x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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