Two: Saving Nina

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Edited but still may sound weird. I'm not to fond on how I wrote it but hopefully I will like future chapters.


"Adrian,wake up,"A familiar voice said while shaking me awake. Well attempting to. They sighed in frustration,then the next thing I knew I was woken up by a small pain in my shoulder and a thud. "Shush,"the librarian threatened. I already knew who pushed me out of my seat. Hunter. Because who else? He may be a shy stuttering mess. But he's been my friend for so long he's gotten used to being around me. So therefore everyone thinks we are in a relationship. Which is annoying.

I glare at Hunter,still on the ground. "What was that for?,"I asked angrily. Though I wasn't really angry at him. Because no one could be angry at him for long. "You wouldn't get up,"he defended. "And why do you want me up?,"I asked. "I don't know," he said before going back to his science book. I sighed in defeat and got back into my seat. "Your a pain in the butt,"I told him. "I know,"

"Hunter," I whisper yelled at him. "yeah,"he questioned back,not looking away from his maths book. "I need help with maths," I said. "Obviously,"he remarked. I punched him in the arm,making him almost fall out of his seat. Once he regained his balance and sat upright in the seat,he mumbled a 'fine' and scooted closer to me. He started to explain the equation in the book,so that I would understand it better. "Do you understand it know?," he asked. I nod my head and start doing the next one. He's always helping me do maths since I'm not the best at it. He's the second top student in math. No one knows whose the top student. I guess they don't want people to know. Instead of the person's name,they have to number 707. Nerd.

Once study hall was over,we started out way to lunch. We where relieved that Vincent never showed his smirking face. But once again we let out the relived breathe that always seemed to be bad luck. Vincent came running towards us in he hall. I almost went running towards the safety of the bathroom,when he grabbed Hunter's arm and speed walked off. Probably to discuss they're little dates. I chuckle to myself and continued my lonely walk towards the cafeteria.

I walk through the metal doors and instantly regret it. The spell of burnt food slammed into my nostrils. I walk up to the cafeteria counters and grabbed a salad. Pouring bacon bits and ranch in it,I felt like it was eatable. Long story short,there's always something burnt. Doesn't matter is it was corn or cookies it's dead to me. So I never trust the food.

I go to the table me and Hunter usually sit at. I wonder if he's okay. I hope Vincent doesn't hurt him,because I swear if anything happens to him I will- never mind. Calm down Adrian nothing's going to happen. You down have to kill someone. Today.

"May I sit here? I'm new and I don't really know anyone.,". A feminine voice knocked me out of my murder trance-I guess you can call it that. I look up to see a girl with shoulder length mixed brown hair,brown eyes and a septum piercing. She had freckles along her nose and cheeks. I nod my head and continue to eat my fat filled salad. "Sorry if I'm smothering you,"she apologizes. I lift my head up and smile at her. "No not at all. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment,"I confess. She nodded her head and continue to unwrap her sandwich.

We ate in silence to a few minutes until she started to speak again. "My sister was supposed to be here also. But she didn't sleep well.,"she said then sighed like she was upset that it happened. "That sucks,"I said. She nodded her head and got up. She walked away,dumped her tray and exited the cafeteria. I soon did the same. Usually when people sit at the table,they don't stay long.

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