Your father entered the room ordering you around, "Come on, we have to go so the Dark Lord won't spot Y/n."

—You had been quickly sent to Draco's room as the Dark Lord had ordered all his Death Eaters in a meeting. You were quietly upstairs waiting for Draco to enter his room, but with every footstep you shivered in fear. Technically as you weren't carrying you were exposed to whatever treatment the Death Eaters chose. The doorknob fumbled, you jumped creeping back onto the bed afraid of who was on the other side.

You stared intently, whispering prayers under your breath, the door opened. You hastily took your wand out only to see Draco staring at you in surprise. You sighed putting your wand down, Draco entered closing the door behind him, "they all left. Next time you can lock the door. It probably won't help much, but I'll make sure that we can prohibit this part of the house."

Draco took off his blazer, "usually Bellatrix is the only one up here anyway."

Draco tossed his blazer aside taking a seat at the edge of the bed, "so have your parents told you?"

"Of what?"

"The rules."


Draco unbuttoned the top of his shirt, rolling up the sleeves, huffing loudly, "I won't force you to anything until you're comfortable with it."

"To be fair I will never be, but I have to force myself at some point." you breathed, looking into Draco's eyes. "I jinxed myself didn't I?" you laughed lightheartedly.

Draco softly chuckled, "you sure did, Thornestone."

"So, we aren't getting married?" you quirked.

"Oddly enough, no, but we are to...conceive a child." Draco stammered, "it's probably not the best time to marry anyone especially under these circumstances."

"You're right, it's all being rushed due to a war. I can't even wrap my head around that." you laid back down, finding comfort on Draco's bed.

"I'm scared, Draco." you muttered.

"Me too."

—You awoke the next day standing in front of the window gazing at the dark sky. It was unusual to not hear any birds chirping in the morning. You stared at Draco, who slept on his couch, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. Your eyes flickered at the parchment and quill beside him on the desk. Walking over you began to write down a quick letter to send to Maxwell. Not wanting your parents to begin receiving your letters.

Signing off with your signature you cursed noticing that you had to use the Malfoy's owl. It would be a burden since the poor owl had to be sent all the way to Greece. You quickly put the letter in your trunk underneath some clothing. Hearing Draco grumble you positioned yourself by the window hoping to not stir suspicion.

"Good morning." you softly said, Draco returned the greeting rubbing his eyes.

"I was wondering by what time you'd be ready. As I can't go anywhere without you." you mentioned.

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