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I stood up off Chris's lap and walked out as fast as I could. I walked in the girls bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

Why can't you just be normal? Is that so much to ask? Apparently.

"What are you thinking about?" I jumped. I hadn't noticed Chris come in. I shrugged.

"Please tell me. I don't want any secrets." he said wrapping this long arms around my waist. I leaned into his chest and sighed.

"I wish I was normal. Like most vampires are confident, sexy, and don't take shit from anyone." I frowned at myself.

"Normal is main stream. I would much rather have a mate that different. But I have to say, you are pretty damn sexy." he smiled.

I rolled my eyes and pinched his but. I laughed as he jumped and faux glared at me.

"Your going to pay for that." he said in a serious tone. I squealed and ran out of the bathroom.

"Hey! Where's she going. Oh never mind. I know now." I heared Balz say as Chris chased me down the hallway.

I got all the way to my car before Chris caught me. I squealed as he threw me over his shoulder.

"Chris! Put me down!" I demanded.

"I think not." He laughed and slapped my ass.

"But people can see my ass!" I complained.

"So can I and I'm loving it." he said with a cheeky tone. Haha cheeky, exposed asses. Haha puns.

"He- wow nice ass!" I heard Kylie laugh.

"Chris!" I complained again.

"Nope." he said.

I pinched his ass again causing him to jump. I heard laughing but I couldn't see anyone. Fucking fuck head. Chris finally put me down and I fixed my skirt.

"That was quite a show." A guy with dreads said.

"Ambrosia this is Davey Suicide. He's the leader of, well, the Davey Suicide clan." Chris introduced.

"Nice to meet you." he said kissing my hand.

"And you to." I greeted him quietly.

"Why are you guys doing today?" Davey asked no on in particular.

"Probably just hang out and watch movies." Chris answered.

"More like make out sessions with a movie in the background." Ryan snorted. Everyone chuckled.

"Actually, we are having a girls day. Since Ambrosia is new to the clan, she should get the chance to bond with us." Jessica informed.


"No but." Allie cut Chris off.

"You girls are trying to kill me." Chris pouted.

"Get over it, shit head." Kylie laughed.

"Bitches." Chris mumbled.

"So guys night?" Balz asked.

"Yea guys night." Chris answered.

After school, Chris and I went back to my apartment. Before I could open the door, Chris stopped me. I looked at him puzzled.

"Stay right here." he said and walked in.

He closed the door behind himself. At first I couldn't hear anything, but after a minute I heard a loud bang. Right after the loud bang, Chris walked back outside carrying one of Damien's minions by the throat. Chris looked royally pissed off.

"What the fuck?" I said completely dumbfounded.

"Someone thought they could fuck with you." Chris growled. Chris's frown slowly turned into a sinister grin.

"Guys night just got so much more interesting." he chuckled in the most scary way possible. I'm not going to lie, it was really hot.

"Okay, well I'm going to change and then we can go." I said and went outside.


If anyone wants smut inbox me cuz other wise this story is going to stay as is.



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