Pick Up The Pace Jensen!

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Your POV.

          It was a normal summer day in my small town. Of course tonight there was a huge party at one my bestfriends house, Kat. Thats what made the day normal, it was like everynight were out doing something. Many people always asked me why I even went to parties when all I did was just hang around the same people and do the same thing. You see now I am the type of girl who goes to parties just because my friends were going to be there and because I wanted to have a good time. Though I would much rather be sitting at home alone in my room with the only light being my laptop screen resting on my lap along with a bowl of popcorn binge watching whatever show was on my list. But you know summer and sacrafice.

"You have to make sure you dress cute, because a little birdie told me that Clay Jensen is going to be there," my friend Kat said to me over the phone.

"So... what does that have to do with me," I said pretending not to care.

"Oh come on y/n you know that you've had a crush on Clay ever since we were wadling toddlers," she replied chuckling a little.

"Is it obvios," I asked her biting down on my finger nervously.

"Well to everyone else besisdes Clay, so thats why its so important for you to dress up," she said,

"You know what, your right Kat I am going to dress up when I come to your party," I said confidently.

"Yeah you do that sweetheart, I'll see you when you get here," she said. With that I hung up the phone, and and went over to my closet.

        What should wear? I asked myself. Until it hit me, I'll wear a cute halter crop top with some black skinny jeans with cuts at the knees and my white high tops. I pulled out my clothes and put them on. I'll proably take a shower when i get back, no doubt I'll be sweaty from being in a small house with hundreds of people. I walked into my bathroom and put my old clothes in the hamper and took my hair out of the messy bun it was previously in and put up in a half up half down style. I put on light makeup just a little mascara and some lip stick. I sat on my bed and played on my phone for some time until i looked at the time that read 9:30. I got up and went downstairs to grab my keys. I walked outside and got in my car, and stsrted to drive over to Kat's.

       It was about 10:00 when I showed up to Kat's place and being that the party started at 8:30, it was no suprise to already see a monster lode of kids inside and out of the house. I parked on the curb and got out i walked up to the door, as I walked through the house i could hear different whistles and cat calls as I passed by some of the guys. I finally spotted Kat with Clay and a girl I didn't know. 

"There you are I was wondering if you were ever going to show," Kat said to walking over giving me a hug.

"Miss one of your parties, never in life," I said to her smiling.

"Oh well this is Hannah she's new and Hannah this y/n she's not new," Kat said introducing the two of us.

"Nice to meet you," I said to her.

"Same here, but I just had to say that top is really cute," she said to me smiling.

"I was thinking the same thing about yours," I said to her laughing.

"I guess great minds think alike," she said smiling nudging me a little. Kat then grabbed Hannah's hand, she said she was going to introduce her to more people, and they disappeared into the crowd.

"Do you want to have anything to drink," Clay said to me.

"Yeah does she have boddled water anywhere," I asked.

"No I dont think she does, I tried to ask for a water and she told me i would have a beer," he said to me smiling.

"Oh well then I guess I just won't have anything," I said to him smiling. Clay and I just talked and laughed for a long time until we decided to move outside because it was getting so hot.

"We should race on the street," I radomly said to Clay while he was mid sentence. He just laughed at me and nodded his head. Kat and Hannah were already outside from talking to Justin and and Zach. I called over Kat and asked her to do the countdown. 

"Okay I want a clean race no pushing, shoving, or tripping. You will both race down to crosswalk at the end of the block and back first one pass me on their way back wins," she said to us as we got in our ready positions.

"Ready, Set, GO!!!," she said yelling. We both darted off of course I got way in front of Clay and I was completely sure that I was going to win with all the leverage I had on him. I turned my head to see where he was when I saw him jogging trying to catch up to me.

"Oh come on, Pick up the pace Jensen," I said still looking back at him. It was in that same breath that I fell straight flat on my face. My face hurt so bad and my hands had a million scruf marks on them. I heard quick footsteps behind me when suddenly I was picked up bridal style.  I looked up to see who was caring me when I saw Clay's face smiling down at me. 

"Are you okay," he asked me with a concerned expression.

"Yeah I'm fine now," I said nuzzling up to  his chest a little more.

        We finally made back to the house and Kat, Hannah, and a couple other people were all there waiting for me. Clay sat me down on the porch swing, as he told everyone else that I was fine. He then came up and sat next to me.

'You sure your okay," he said looking at me.

"I'm fine my head just hurts a little," I said to him.

"I know something that may help with that," he said to me. Before i could even ask what he leaned down and kissed me I was suprised, shocked at first then I finally kissed back and put my hands on the sides of his face as our lips moved in sinc. We were still deep into the kiss when something knocked me out of my trance.

"Yes, finally you two lovenerds are together, I thought it would never happen," Kat said screeming from the front lawn were she was with Hannah. I just laughed and looked back to Clay.

"Better now than never, right,"I said nuzzling back into him.

"Defienetly," he said placing a kiss on my head.

word count 1192

Soooooo, this was my very first imagine, and I want to know what you all think. So comment if you liked it or not. Don't forget to vote and follow me if you haven't already. Also, please please please check out my other books on my profile I spent a lot of time writing them and just want some feedback whether its good or bad. I think that it so byeeee :))

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