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Pov Dipper

He fires the gun...

He shots me on my shoulder.

"Didn't hurt a bit" I smiled

Bill didn't have enough energy to protect me.

"Grunkle Ford!" Mable yelled

Grunkle Stan held her back so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Stop.....JUST STOP! I know you hate him but it doesn't mean that you have to hurt him he's human too and its not fair!" I said
"Dipper what's fair! You are putting this on your self. Just move or else" Ford said
"Pinetree do it...for me please" Bill whispered.
"Do you even know me anymore! I feel like Mable and Bill are the only ones human here right now! They know me...they know what I've been threw" I said
"Dipper just move" Ford said
"No I won't let you hurt him!" I said
"You can't be a hero Dipper! Stop trying. Sure I dont know you but just like Mable and Bill there's weakness and your weak so give up" Ford yelled
"I'm weak, I'm a disappointment, a Failure......" I repeated....

These words kept on appearing out of no where.

Lost cause
Better without you

Even more words started to wrap around my head. Tear slowly formed around my eyes. All of that sadness turned to unforgiving anger.

The another shot was fired.

I looked up and I stopped it with one look. It was inches from my face. I looked at Ford and smiled.


My shield was summoned and it was on my fore arm.
Another shot was fired.
My anger was the only thing running threw my mind. Fire started to appear around me. Ford shot me again. I blocked it then he came after me. My shield grew and I pushed him arcoss the room. I didn't think strange at all.

"Dipper stop" Mable said
"Kid you gotta stop" Stan yelled

Ford came back and tried to shot me again.


I shot Ford with fire and then the anger got so powerful. The anger was consuming me.

"Clam down...." Bill hugged me from behind.

I just couldn't. I just wanted to kill him.

"Just....clam down" Bill said again

I see Ford get back up and charged at me. I used my shield and knocked him back. Then Mable ran up to me and I pushed her back. She was slammed on Stan. One of my eyes started to glow.

"Your still a disappointment" Ford said

Bill handle the hand and whispered.

"Pinetree please clam down..."

I looked at Bill and started to clam. I looked at Mable helping Ford. I left and I teleported me and bill out. 

I shouldn't be surprised because she always picked there side. No matter what I do.

Timeskip srubs!!!!

I eneded up teleporting us to Bill's house, so I thought.

"Bill are you okay" I asked
"Pinetree I'm fine don't worry" Bill said
"Where are we" I wanted to make sure.
"At my place but, Will should be around here... Somewhere"
Bill said
"Just thank God your okay" I said hugging him.
"Please don't do that again Pinetree" Bill hugged back
"I just got so mad" I said placing my head on his chest.
"I know I just wanted you to be safe" Bill said
"I know" I said
"Your safe with me" Bill said
"Bill can I ask you something." I asked
"What is it my love" Bill said
"Can we start another weirdmageddon"

Sorry for short chapter guys.
Now to Bill Dipper and wolf

"Pinetree you did an amazing job" Bill said kissing his cheek
"Thank you my love" Dipper smiled
"That's the fucking cutest thing I've ever seen" Wolf said
*inter fangirl about to come out*
"Pinetree please clam down next time... For me" Bill said after kissing Dipper's lips
"No promises" Dipper chuckled
"Stop being so cute before I die" wolf said
"So to cut this short but I have unfinished business to do with my little pinetree" Bill purred
"Oh~" Dipper chuckled.
"You know what that means guys!" I said smoothly
"Bye meatsacks" Bill said
"Bye readers hoped you enjoyed" Dipper smiled
"Bye Guys I really hoped you liked it!" Wolf said waving

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