Chapter Five.

Começar do início

"I don't have a boyfriend." Lillian said clearly.

Jeanette bit into her apple, "Well then you need one." she said. "And since you don't like Todd, maybe Ryan can talk to one of his buddies." she grinned and Lillian blushed harder.

"I'm fine." Lillian said.

"Ryan, you should talk to Louis. I think they would make a cute couple-"

"Jean, stop it-" Ryan said.

"No to Louis? Okay, how about James-"

Lillian was annoyed and tired about Jeanette trying to hook her up. Look what happened the last time she tried! Lillian snapped, "I don't need a boyfriend!" she said and got up, not missing the surprise look on her face before leaving the caf to go to the bathroom.

She went into a stall, pressing her back against the door, and slid down it, feeling bad now.

Lillian placed her hands on her stomach and rubbed it. Her eyes watered up and a few tears left. She was an emotional wreck.


Lillian was lying in bed when her phone went off. She picked it up and saw a number she didn't recognize. Her eyebrows came together as she pressed the green button and brought it to her ear, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Ryan."

Lillian sat up from the bed, curious as to what he had to say. "What do you want?" she asked, not meaning for it to come out rude.

"I'm outside your house, can you come out? I have to talk to you." he asked.

As she slid off her bed, she asked, "You're outside my house?" and went over to her window, pulling the curtain aside. She couldn't see his car well enough since it was dark but she did and was surprised.

"Yeah, so can you come out or not?" he asked.

She hesitated but sighed, "Yeah, one second."

She slipped on her snow boots, grabbed her jacket, and left her room. She went down the steps and when her parents gave her a questionable look, she simply told them she was going on a walk around the block.

She went outside and went over to Ryan's car. She quickly got in and rubbed her hands together before turning to look at him. When she expected him to say something she looked at him. Then she became awkwardly confused when he didn't say anything. "What?"

"I think we should tell Jeanette together." he said.

Her mouth dropped, "What? No. I can't just go up to my best friend and say 'oh, I slept with him and I'm pregnant. Sorry, hope we can still be friends'. It doesn't work like that, I can't handle her look of betrayal."

"And you think I can?" he questioned. "But we did this together, we should tell her together."

"I have to worry about my parents and you worry about your girlfriend." she said.

"What about my parents, huh?" he question. "My parents are going to flip a cannon when they find out I got a girl pregnant; one that isn't even my girlfriend. If you aren't going to take care of it," he said and Lillian knew he meant abortion, "You're going to help me tell her. You won't be the only one going to lose her."

They went into a glaring contest until Lillian knew what he was saying was true. She didn't want to but she knew she had to. She had to make lots of decision now and one of them is that she does have to tell Jeanette.

"Fine.", she said. He nodded, opened his month, then closed it and looked away. Lillian raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"I," he said, then forced a smile and dropped it before looking back at me. "I was wondering if I could feel your stomach. I know, weird, but I'm just curious to what it feels like."

Lillian was a little shocked at the question. She was hesitant since she was insecure about her stomach bump, but since it was his baby, she nodded and leaned up better, pulling her jacket and shirt up. She took his hand and placed it on her abdomen where it was a little hard.

"Wow," he said. "Have you made plans to go to a doctor yet?'

She shook her head, "No, I'm scared. I don't want my parents to find out."

"Well, um," he said. "My cousin girlfriend works at this place where it's only for ultrasound. I can talk to him and get you set up. I doubt they'll call your parents."

She stared at him in shock, "You would do that for me?" she asked.

He rubbed his hand around her stomach, "Yeah, don't sound so shocked." he said, chuckling.

"Well, um, thanks." she said.

After a few more moments of talking about the ultrasound, she told him she had to go back in. She got out the car and jogged up to her house as he drove away. She went in and went back up to her room, but was taken aback when she saw her sister Cassandra sitting on her bed.

"What are you doing in here?" she asked. Her sister was one of those pre-teens who think they're grown up. Long blonde wavy hair, glossy green eyes, and beautiful; total opposite and so annoying.

"Who was that boy?" she asked.

Lillian looked at her in shock, but quickly changed her expression, "What are you talking about?'

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Don't play dumb with me, Lillian. I saw you in his car. Who is he?"

Lillian thought lying was pointless, so she said instead, "None of your business, I'm the oldest."

"No, Brad's the oldest." she said.

Lillian smacked her teeth, "Get out of my room, Cas."

"Just tell me." she said. "He's cute, how'd you get a cute boy like that?"

Lillian pointed at the door, "Out, now."

"Why so quick for me to get out?" she question and Lillian groaned in annoyance.

"Cassandra, if you don't get out right now, I swear!" she snapped.

"Jeez, calm down." Cassandra said. "Keep your panties on. You got your period or something?" she asked as she walked out.

Lillian walked over to her door and slammed it shut, feeling moody already.

16 And Pregnant.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora