Chapter 23: The Flashback

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"So he just, left?" Vanessa asks me, shocked.

"Yeah, he just got in his car and left. He didn't say one word to me." I reply.

She narrows her eyes, "There must be something I'm missing. Tell me what happened again."

I sigh, remembering what happened just minutes ago.

Ross and I both pull away from the kiss at the same time.

He rests his forehead against mine as we both try to catch our breath.

I open my eyes to see his still closed. So I watch his face as he takes deep breaths, hoping that he won't suddenly open his eyes and catch me checking out his face.

That might be a bit creepy.

All of a sudden the sound of squeals and excited screams comes from my house. Vanessa.

The noise causes Ross' eyes to fly open. He pulls away from me and quickly runs his fingers through his hair. Then, before I realize what's happening, he's getting in his car and driving away.

I stand and watch his car fade into the distance in shock.

He just kissed me. Then he left.

"That doesn't make any sense though! Why would he just leave?" Vanessa exclaims.

"Maybe your crazy fan girl screams scared him off." I joke.

She glares at me, "He wouldn't just pronounce his love to you and then let a few small shrieks of excitement scare him away."

I roll my eyes at her, "First off, he did not 'pronounce his love to me', he just kissed me and second off, those were not shrieks. They were ear shattering screams. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were being skinned alive."

She makes a disgusted face, "Uh, ew."

I let out a chuckle, "Maybe he regrets kissing me and that's why he left so abruptly."

She gives me a look, "That boy doesn't regret anything. I've seen the way he looks at you."

"He didn't do that the first time he kissed me." I admit to Vanessa, remembering something from a few years ago.

Her eyes widen, "He's kissed you before?!"

I nod, "Yeah, during Austin & Ally."

Her eyebrows furrow, "But, weren't you guys just acting for all of those kisses?"

I shake my head, "Not that one."

"And, cut!" Raini yells out across the set, "That's a wrap, everyone!"

We just finished filming a new episode of Austin & Ally. Since it's the last season, they let Raini direct this episode. She did an amazing job. I can totally see her doing this full time in the future.

The cast and crew all begin to clap and cheer, congratulating Raini on her fantastic directing.

I run up to Raini and give her a big hug, "You did such a wonderful job, Raini! You're so good at this!"

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