Chapter 18: The Glare

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"Are you done yet?" Ross asks me.

"Not yet." I tell him, rolling my eyes. This is the fifth time he's asked me if I was done eating yet. He devoured his cheeseburger and half of my fries after claiming he didn't want any.

The whole time we've been in the food court eating, he's been glaring at the poor guy I helped earlier. He's sitting on the other side of the food court and doesn't have a clue that Ross is giving him the evil eye.

Honestly, I find this hilarious. I'm eating slowly on purpose but I'm not about to tell Ross that.

I finally finish eating, much to Ross' delight. He grabs up my trash quickly and jumps up, throwing it away. He then races back over to me and before I can react, he's grabbed my purse with one hand and grabbed my arm with his other hand. He pulls me up off the chair I was comfortably sitting on and slides his hand from my arm to my hand and intertwines our fingers.

He begins to pull me towards the exit of the food court. The whole time we're walking, Ross hasn't stopped glaring at 'girlfriend stealer'. As we walk by the table he's sitting at, 'girlfriend stealer' catches my eye and smiles at me. He sends me a small wave. I go to wave back with my free hand but Ross' grip tightens, shocking me a bit and I just send the guy a smile instead.

I can't believe Ross is acting so jealous. I know we're fake dating but I can't believe he's putting on this much of an act.

When we make it out of the food court area, I start laughing.

"Were you trying to burn a hole through the poor guy's head?" I manage to ask through my laughter.

"It's not funny." He tells me, finally relaxing his facial expression and his grip on my hand. "That guy was trying to steal you away from me."

"He didn't even look at me the whole time we were eating." I say, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh, he was trying his hardest. He looked over a few times when you weren't paying attention and eventually my jealous boyfriend glare scared him off."

This is beginning to seem more like reality instead of acting. Was he actually jealous? Wouldn't that be weird since we're not really dating?

"Ross, were you really jealous? I thought you were just acting."

"Yes!" He exclaims and then drops his voice down to a whisper, "I know we're not really dating but he was really ticking me off."

Any thoughts I had about weirdness instantly vanished. Is it weird that I find that incredibly sweet?

I squeeze his hand that is still tangled with mine and smile widely at him. "You're such a sweetheart, you know that?"

"You've told me a few times." He replies, mirroring my smile.

"You know what we should do now?" I suddenly ask him.


I start pulling his hand towards the direction of one of my favorite stores.
"We should shop some more."

All I get is a groan in return.


"I can't believe we spent 5 hours shopping! How do you even shop for that long?" Ross exclaims as we walk across the parking lot, heading for his car.

"There's a lot to look at. Then you have to decide whether you think the clothing piece would look good on you and you have to look at the price to make sure it's worth the money. Then, you have to try it on to make sure it fits, especially pants. Shopping is a long process." I explain to him.

We make it to his car and he unlocks the doors with his key. "Yeah, I know. I was watching you do it for 5 hours!" He exclaims.

He puts my new shopping bags in the back seat while I climb in the passenger seat. Then he makes his way to the driver's seat and gets in. "At least girlfriend stealer didn't show up again."

I roll my eyes as I put on my seat belt even though I'm smiling. "Yeah, you probably would've started a fight with him."

"He would've lost too. He didn't look very tough." Ross says confidently as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"I think he looked tough enough to take you." I tell him, smirking.

He glances at me with a slight glare. "Are you kidding? He would've been knocked out cold by the time I'd be done with him."

I just laugh, "Keep telling yourself that, blondie."

He mockingly gasps, "Laura! How dare you underestimate my abilities. That guy wouldn't have lived to see tomorrow!" He practically shouts.

"Woah! That's a little too intense. They would put you in jail, Ross! Then who would be my fake boyfriend?" I jokingly ask.

"You would just stay single for the rest of your life because you wouldn't find anyone who could even compare to me." He says with a smirk.

"That's probably true." I mumble under my breath so he can't hear me.

"What did you say?"

Crap. "Uh, nothing. I didn't say anything."

"Oh. I thought you did." He says.

We stay silent for a couple of minutes before Ross speaks again. "Are your parents still in New York?"

"Yeah. It's so lonely all by myself at home." I say with a sigh.

"Wanna stay over? I don't want you all by yourself." He asks.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude or anything." I question.

"My siblings all love you. They won't mind. You've been staying over quite a bit anyways." He confirms.

"It was just a few times and I don't even think they knew I was there." I state, giving him a look.

"Just say yes. Please?" He begs, beginning to pout like a child.

"Fine. I'll stay over. I really don't want to be home alone again." I give in even though I knew I was going to say yes anyways."


Ross and I are watching a movie with his siblings. Well they're watching the movie. I'm practically asleep on Ross' shoulder. Shopping for 5 hours straight is exhausting.

Ross finally looks down at my half asleep state and chuckles slightly.

"Are you tired, Laur?" He whispers in my ear.

"Mmhmm." I answer groggily.

He leans over and kisses my temple gently before slowly moving my head from his shoulder to his lap and I stretch out my legs across the rest of the small couch that the two of us are sitting on.

I feel Ross begin to run his fingers through my hair. I love when he does that. It's so calming and relaxing.

Before I know it, I'm out like a light.

Heyy guys.

Omg this chapter is so boring. I just really wanted to get something out for you all. I'm sorry if it's a disappointment.

Give me your feedback!

Chapter 19 coming soon! 💕

Published: June 9, 2017

The Agreement | Raura Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant