"That's not Albus"

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Right after Lily Luna is born, Harry and Ginny are a mess. Harry wakes up one morning to find that his glasses have come up missing. Ginny and Harry search the house all over, but cannot find them.

"Accio glasses," they repeated over and over, but the glasses where nowhere to be found.

"James or Albus probably have them," Ginny sighed.

"I'm going to guess its James that has them," Harry frowned, thinking about how troublesome James had been lately.

"I'll ask him, you take Albus to the park, he's been chanting 'park' all week," Ginny threw a dirty onesie in the laundry hamper.

So Harry put Albus in his stroller, and they set off to the park down the road. Albus wasn't ready to apparate or travel by portkey yet, and there wasn't any way to get a fireplace at a park, so Harry had to settle for walking.

Harry found that as he walked Albus in the stroller, he couldn't really see where he was going. He wasn't blind, but he could only make out blurry shapes and blobs of color. Definitely not enough to be able to drive a car or chop up food like muggles.

The father and son arrived at the park and Harry let Albus out of the stoller. He immediately ran to a large play figure where Harry assumed he was climbing up to go down the slide. He sat and watched for a while until a kid walked up to him and sat on the bench beside Harry. The kid laid his head down in Harry's lap and fell asleep. Harry looked down to see dark hair and a blue shirt, just like Albus.

He strapped Albus into the stroller, and took off, careful not to wake his sleeping child. When they arrived at the Potter household, Harry scooped Albus up and walked inside.

He popped into the kitchen to let Ginny know they were back. Albus still snoozed on his shoulder.

"Hey Gin," Harry whispered softly, careful not to disturb the sleeper.

"Hey how was-" Ginny stopped and Harry could see that his wife had stopped moving about the kitchen.

"Harry, where's Albus?" Ginny asked, panic in her voice.

Harry laughed, "What do you mean? This is Albus?"

"That's not Albus," Ginny exclaimed.

Harry looked at the child who woke up. He stared up at Harry with big brown eyes. Wait, brown eyes?

"HARRY!" Ginny shrieked.

"Shit!" Harry ran out of the house and down the street to the park, carrying the strange kid. He reached the park, out of breath and set the kid down on the bench. He hopped up like nothing had happened and ran off to keep playing.

"Albus!" Harry cried. A kid ran up to him and hugged his legs.

"Daddy!" The kid cried and Harry sighed in relief. It was Albus this time, he was sure of it.

"Ready to go Albus?" Harry asked, and Albus squealed as Harry picked him up.

They arrived back at the house a few minutes later and Ginny ran out to them. She ripped Albus from Harry's arms, and Harry gave her a sheepish grin. She cradled Albus into her shoulder and shot Harry a look. Kissing the top of Albus' head, she walked back inside.

"Hey Gin?" Harry asked.

She spun around on her heels, Albus still nestled into her chest, sound asleep.

"How about we never tell him about this?" Harry asked and Ginny nodded.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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