The Broomstick

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Ginny convinces Harry to go to her to their the old abandon Potter house in Godric's Hollow. Harry agrees, and as they're rummaging through some of the old stuff that Lily and James had bought for Harry, they come across an old toy broomstick that only flew a few feet off the ground. Since their youngest son James was two, and Ginny was pregnant with their second son, the couple decided to pass the broomstick down to James.

James loved the thing; it was his favorite toy. He played with it until dark, Harry riding his broom alongside his son. Ginny would have to drag them both inside for supper. After James outgrew the small broom, he was so upset that Harry came home one day with a small child's broomstick.

Then, as soon as Harry and Ginny decided their second son, Albus, was old enough, Harry marched him outside and excitedly set him on the broom, showing him how to get it to move. As soon as Albus's feet left the ground, he started screeching and wailing. Harry tried repeatedly to get his son to enjoy broom riding, but he never found the pastime 'enjoyable.'

When Lily Luna was born, Harry was hesitant about putting her on the broom. One day Ginny accused him of being weary just because Luna was a girl. Harry went red in the face and begins stammering "oh, no, of course not, I mean" until Ginny puffed up her chest and walked outside, setting her daughter gently on the broom. Without even having to be shown what to do, Lily pops off the ground and zooms around the backyard, three feet off the ground, pouting because James was flying above her, about eight feet off the ground.

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