Chapter 13: Silence Speaks The Loudest

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Morning finally came as the barely lit the sky, it seems like today was going to be a rainy day. Even now small droplets of water could be heard hitting against the window, Cuphead calmly woke up from sleeping so calmly and to his surprise he thought he wasn't going to have good sleep after that disturbing dream. His blurry vision clears up to see that Bendy was no where to be found, making him slowly sit up thinking to himself on where he could have gone to. Cuphead stretched and yawned causing him to cough, in confusion he rubbed his head and tried to speak. Nothing came out except for a small squeak causing him to blush lightly, "Oh great I lost my voice... what a wonderful start for today, I guess it's pay back from yelling so much the past weeks...." Cuphead thought to himself with a frustrated face. After an hour of getting for today, a loud clash of thunder echoed throughout the house as heavy rain hit against windows, Cuphead walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs to see Bendy just sitting by the window with such a relaxed look. Meanwhile Boris and Mugs talked and interacted, he finally reached the floor and jumped off to head towards the kitchen. That's when Mugs ran in after him in excitement and yelled "Cuphead guess what!!! Me and Boris have a lot of things in common and we are really close friends now!!!", just as Cuphead was about to reply he remembered that he wasn't able to speak for today and puts up a thumbs up for Mugs as he just grabs an apple for breakfast. Mugman tilted his head in confusion due to him see his brother not talking and asked in a worried voice "Are you ok Cups?...", silence filled the air as Cuphead looked around for something to help communicate in the meantime his voice heals up. Eventually he found a notepad and a pen in one of the drawers, writing down his response for Mugs and showed it to him "I'm fine, I just lost my voice today so I can't really talk...". Mugman just gasped as he finally understood and just laughed a bit, Cuphead was happy to see that at least his brother was enjoying today even if the weather says otherwise. Suddenly a loud sound of coughing and pain was heard as the two cup brothers quickly ran back to the living room, seeing Bendy crying in pain and ink dripping from his head. Boris was on his knees trying to comfort his brother, telling him calmly that everything is going to be ok. Something in Cuphead's heart made him feel horrible at the sight, it just broke him to see Bendy like this. Especially when he first witnessed this scenario before, after chasing Bendy down into a dead end it just happened out of nowhere and he could remember how he was crying in pain for his medicine. Cuphead quickly regain his train of thought and rushed back to the kitchen to find some water, meanwhile Mugs ran over to the closet for some towels and a bucket. The tension of the air grew thick as Bendy's mind grew heavy in pain, he yells "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!! IT HURTS!!!". Boris tried so hard not to cry from his words and continued his suffering older brother, the ink continued to drip down Bendy's face and eventually covers his eyes. Cuphead rushes back towards the two with water, Boris looked up at him shocked to see that he was actually helping again. Cuphead quietly gave the water bottle to Boris as he  held Bendy's head up gently, afterwards Mugs returned with a stack of towels along with a bucket. A few minutes passed, the ink finally stopped dripping from his face and Bendy was huddled up in one of the towels near the window once more. The household was once again filled with the echoes of rain and thunder from the outdoors, the voices were heard from the TV while Boris and Mugs watched the news along with a few other channels. Cuphead was leaning against the wall of the opposite side of where Bendy was, thoughts floated around in his head trying to think about what to say to him but realizing he still couldn't speak. "God... why is this so difficult..." Cuphead said to himself, looking over to see Bendy opening the door to the backyard of their house. Curiosity filled his body as he started to follow the little demon outside, wondering "what the hell is he doing now...". Rain continued to pour heavily onto the ground, Bendy was just sitting down on the porch with the feeling of both guilt and sorrow strangling his lungs making it so hard for him to breathe. All his thoughts and emotions were then put on hold as he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking back to see Cuphead with his casual expression. "O-oh... it's just you...." said Bendy with slightly shaky voice as if he was holding back tears, Cuphead felt that he was hiding his emotions and if only he could say what was on his mind. All he could do was try and comfort him as much as he could. A few minutes later, the two sat quietly together watching and listening to the rain's sweet song of relaxation. Everything was so quiet until Bendy broke the silence between them with a simple question, "why... why did you help me... why didn't you let me suffer..." was all he could say before his voice cracked under pressure and started to shake. As much as Cuphead wanted to answer the little devil he just couldn't say a word, so he just stared at Bendy with no change in his emotion. Bendy started to shake more as he asked again "why haven't you killed me and Boris yet... you said before that you wanted to be the one to kill me so why are you making me wait from my own death... you have me and Boris caged here.... so why...", Bendy stood up in anger as tears dripped down his cheeks and yelled "WHY DONT YOU JUST DO ME A FAVOR AND KILL ME OFF RIGHT NOW INSTEAD OF MAKING ME SUFFER FROM THIS SICKNESS!!!! IM GOING TO DIE SOON SO WHY NOT END IT ALL NOW!!! BORIS CAN DO FINE WITHOUT ME BEING SUCH A PAIN IN HIS LIFE!!! SO JUST DO IT ALREADY, KILL ME!!!". Bendy grabbed Cuphead's hand and formed it into a finger gun, holding it up to his head as the mix of tears and a bit of rain streamed down his face. Cuphead just sat there in shock seeing what was before him, a sick and broken ink demon who is begging death and relief. That's when he snapped and yanked his hand away, reaching into his coat and pulling out the notepad that he found early. Bendy was confused and looked up to see Cuphead writing something down, eventually having it handed to him. His eyes widened as he began to read Cuphead's message, while Cuphead himself just had a angered face from everything Bendy said before. "Listen to me and listen to me good pipsqueak, your stronger than this and i know that for a fact now. Every time I saw you when I was chasing you, you looked stronger and fearless. Hell you used to freak out every time you'd see me and Mugs but, now you couldn't honestly care if we were near anymore. Plus don't you remember what you said to me back then?, you should be going by those words too because your brother needs you more than anything. Besides, what I said before doesn't matter anymore and I don't want to kill you or your brother anymore. From what I've seen, your life is worth living so don't let some illness take you down. I know you can beat it and make it through all of this, so don't give up alright?". Bendy began to tear up once more but instead of sadness, it was joy and pride. Before Cuphead knew it, he was suddenly embraced by the little demon tightly with the soft words escaping his mouth "Thank you...". Cuphead blushed lightly with a small smile on his face as he returned the hug and soon having Bendy fast asleep on his chest from that little event he pulled off, before long he placed a small kiss on the inky devil's head and just held him tightly as if someone was going to take him away. "Your welcome, little weirdo...." Cuphead said in his mind as he continued staring off into the rain wondering, "Maybe having feelings for him isn't so bad after all...".

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