The Sorting Hat

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They were sitting on the floor, waiting for the professor to come back and take them to where their "exam" will take place.

Between the nervous chatter of the tense eleven years old students, a laugh could be heard.

"My dad told me not to worry about the sorting" a kid with messy black hair and hazel colored eyes told to his new friend he met a few hours ago. "He told me that it doesn't really matter where you're sorted into, but I'll definitely be in Gryffindor! The best house of them all!" he shouted, sending a quick and arrogant amirk to a kid with a greasy black hair and black eyes, who sat next to a red haired girl. The red haired girl scoffed at him and looked away.
"Ignore him Severus" she said and turned her back to him to face her friend.

James frowned and continued talking to his his new friend, Sirius, who looked at the excited James that now bagan talking about what his parents told him Hogwarts will be like.
James' excitement was contagious but Sirius' worries were too big for Sirius to be excited about the whatever James was talking about at the moment.

Sirius came from a long line of pure-blooded Slytherins.
Ever Since he got on the train he was worrid about not being sorted into Slytherin, but when he met James that worry changed.

Even as an eleven years old kid he knew that his family's behavior toward muggles is wrong. He couldn't understand the huge difference between them that his parents were talking about.
We are all hunans so why should they be treated like dirty animals? He often thought to himself, keeping those thoughts a secret.

So when he met James, who started almost instantly to ramble about how great and accepting Gryffindor is, his worry changed into a wish. To be in Gryffindor with his new friend. To prove his parents wrong.

Meanwhile, across the room sat another kid, one that was trying to distance himself from the rest. His green eyes focused on the floor.
He could hear his heart beat so loud that he feared others might hear it too.
It was both the happiest and scariest day of this kid's life.
As a werewolf he couldn't believe anyone will accept him to the school.
But what the young boy feared most was the other students.
"What if they see my scars? What if they'll ask about them? What if they'll find out? Will I become an outcast again? What if.. What if I hurt someone?"
These questions spiraled in his head, keeping him awake for the past week.
"They won't find out" He promised to himself.

"I just won't try and make friends and that way no one will find out" He hugged his knees close to his chest.
"I never needed friends anyway" he thought, resting his head on his knees.
Even there, Remus Lupin felt as lonely as ever.
"Hey! I heard you were talking about the Gryffindor house " said a chubby, excited young boy to James and Sirius.
"Yes!" said James and started rumbling about how great the Gryffindor house is. Sirius sighed and turned his head, letting his hair fall on his shoulders and looking at the ghosts who now flew into the room and made amazed muggle-borns gasp at their sight. He turned his head once again to James.

"I'm James Potter by the way" James finally introduced himself. "And this is Sirius Black" he gestured with his head to Sirius who was now looking bored. "I-I'm Peter!" the boy squealed. "P-Peter Pettigrew!"

Suddenly, the doors opened and the professor told them to follow her.
The three got up and went after her.

"wow" they said in unison as they saw the great hall. It was a huge and beautiful place decorated with the flags of each house above their table. There were 4 long tables for each of the houses and one for the teachers. In front of them there was a hat on a chair, facing all 5 tables.

"I shall now read your names in an alphabetic order" The professor said
after the sorting hat finished its song.

"Every student I name must sit on the chair in front of you and put the Sorting hat on" she said and started reading from a long list she held.

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