"Tell me!" I refused. He picked me up off the ground and carried me up the stairs.

"Where are you taking me?!" I yelled while laughing.

"We're gonna go talk and figure out who you like," He said confidently.

"Ugh!" All the guys just laughed from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, Zach, watch your hands' bro," Jonah said.

"Jonah!" I whined. "You have to say something to embarrass me all the time!"

"No problem." Zach winked and walked into the hallway. He opened the door and kicked it shut behind him. I sat on the big bed and he sat on the air mattress and just stared at me.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Tell me who you like!" He smiled.

"I'm not doing that," I said. He frowned.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to."

"I'm gonna need a better reason."

"But there aren't any other reasons," I said.

"C'mon..." He got up and sat across from me. His legs were crossed and he looked like he was determined to get an answer.

"Zach, please..."

"Deja, please..." He begged. "I'll tell you who I like."

"So? You like Bridget, everyone knows that." I sighed.

"I don't like Bridget," He said.

"Yeah right..." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm being serious." He looked me in the eyes. He gently touched my face. "I don't like her..."

I couldn't feel my body. His touch made me go numb. I didn't know what to say and it seemed like I had a loss for words. Just like the moment we first kissed, he leaned in and closed the space between us and all the sparks in my stomach blew up like fireworks. I wanted to tell him that I liked him, but I just couldn't. I had this deep feeling of hatred for him, for loving Bridget when it was obvious that I loved him. He made me regret moving to LA and he made me regret all of the times I would fangirl over pictures of him or videos of them singing. Now, he was kissing me and telling me that he didn't like Bridget. I had this feeling that he would take back all the things he said at this right moment, that he would end up liking Bridget in the end. That he would make me feel all special inside and then turn on me all over again.

His lips were still on mine. I felt addicted to him like he was some type of drug that I couldn't get enough of, but I had to quit because I knew he could hurt me at any second. I wanted to pull away and walk out, but I wanted to stay and be here with him. I couldn't make up my mind and I couldn't decide what to do. All I could really feel was this kiss, all I could really think about was this moment and how it could affect the rest of my life. I could admit my feelings and risk getting my heart broken or I could just break his heart now so that there's no chance he could break my heart in the future.

I pulled away. Zach looked at me with a confused look.

"Zach, I..." I began to talk, but before I knew it, our lips were connected again. No. You're gonna end this right here, right now. I pulled away again. "Zach, I...I can't do this."

"Why not?" He asked. "Don't you get it, Deja, I like you."

"Zach, I... I like being friends with you and I don't deserve a guy like you. I think you deserve someone who is way prettier and better looking. Nicer." I nodded.

"Do you not like me back?"

"Yes, no? I don't know..." I sighed. "Zach, I think it's best if we stay friends until after your tour. I don't wanna start something and start forgetting about it before it's finished."

"I don't understand what you mean..."

"I don't wanna start a relationship or build any feelings for each other and then have you leave for 2 months, leaving me here to watch you hug other girls. I think it's best if you save your feeling for a- another time." He nodded awkwardly. "Please don't make this awkward, the last thing I want is to make things awkward."

"I won't make things awkward," He said grabbing my hand, he kissed my knuckles before looking up at me. "I'll wait for you, as long as it takes. You have to promise to wait for me too."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll wait for you to be ready to build feelings or to start a relationship, but you have to promise that when I leave for tour, you wait for me and you try to hold on to whatever feelings you have for me in your heart and I'll promise I will too."

"I--I promise..." He held out his pinky and smiled. "Seriously?"

"Yes, a promise isn't a promise unless you pinky promise." He smiled. I laughed and hooked my pinky onto his. I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him close to me until our faces were only inches apart.

"I swear, if you break this promise, I'll break your pinky off," I said.

"Don't worry..." He kissed my lips and I pushed him off. I smacked him across the face.

"What did I say? I said no trying to build feelings until after your tour!"

"It was a joke," He laughed.

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes. I got up and walked out the door.


"Yeah, right." She rolled her eyes and walked out the door. I smiled and ran after her. She smiled when I popped up next to her.

"So, like what are we gonna tell the guys?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, do we tell them that we like each other or what?"

"No," She said. She shrugged. "We don't tell them anything."


"If they ask, you just say nothing happened." I nodded.

We walked downstairs. The guys were waiting for me. We had to start practicing for the tour. Deja sat around and watched us practice. After every time we practiced, she'd give us feedback. Most of the feedback was good, but if it wasn't it was usually we either had to be louder or had to get more into it.

She left around 5 so that she could go make dinner for her dad. I smiled when she turned around and looked at me.

"Don't say a word," She said before walking shutting the door and walking out.

"Don't say a word about what?" Jonah asked.

"Nothing..." I smiled.

It's true though, nothing would ever change the way I feel about Deja.

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