[ alice ]

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sweet \ loving \ kind \ charming \ submissive


alice was born in the uk but she moved to the states and settled down in atlanta georgia  when she was only three years old. she's the only child and so she was 'spoiled' a lot when she was younger by her parents. she had an amazing childhood and she's very thankful that she got to grow up in a loving and caring environment. she's currently attending high school and is a senior at the moment. she has a lot of friends but she only has a few close friends, whom she tells everything to because they're the only people she really trusts with information about her personal life. after she graduates from high school she hopes to move out of atlanta and go to lie in manhattan new York. it's always been her dream since she was a little girl to live there and she hopes that she'll be able to when the time comes.

fc: loren gray

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