The Fight!

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Erika's POV:
"Hey Tess come down I'm about to hit 1 Million on Instagram!" I said yelling for Tessa.

"Coming!" Tessa yelled back and in less than 20 seconds Tessa is hovering over me watching my account grow. 

"Yo! This is so dope, we gotta go get something for this moment." I said.

"Yess! Let's go. Got anything in mind?" Tessa said.

"I'm thinking balloons. I wanna surprise Jake." I said.

"Perfect!" Tessa said with the biggest smile on her face.

The second we got into the car to go I hit the great one Million! I think the only one happier than me had to be Tess.

Later that day:
"Hey we're home!" I yelled from downstairs trying to get Jake's attention. But instead of him coming down the boys were trying not to get me to go upstairs. Weird.

"Erika, Erika you don't wanna go up there", Anthony said, "just don't"

"Let me just go" I get up there and a great moment turned into a terrible moment quicker than any ever before, Jake was cheating on me... in my own house.

I stormed downstairs then Jake comes down of course I'm mad so I try not to talk to him, then of course I see Chance in a wig. I was a damn prank, I should have known.

Tessa's POV:
Thank goodness that's all done I'm just ready to do a little more celebrating with Rik.

Knock. Knock

"Come in!" I wonder who that is at my door.

"Hey Babe", Chance says as he walks through my door, "what are you up to?" He says as he comes towards me and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Not much I was about to go down and hang with Erika" I said just as Erika and Jake walk through my door.

"Sup guys" Jake says to us while practically swallowing Erika's face.

"Hey" Chance and I said at the same time.

"Idk what it is but I still sense a divorce" Jake says just like he always does.

"We just like to pace ourselves and not rush into things" I said.

"Yea, but I bet our relationship is 10x more likely to last then yours" Jake says.

"Ok! Your On, Tessa and I will beat you guys" Chance says.

"We'll see about that" Erika says.

Authors Note: Sorry for my terrible writing skills. I'll try to improve on the next Chapter.

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