Chapter 3 - Monday

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Santana's P.O.V.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period. I was knocked out of my thoughts by the shuffling of paper around me.

The heap of paper reached me and I realised that I had five pages of homework to complete for the next day.

"Ugh." I moaned, dropping my head into my hands.

 "I know. I hate chemistry too." The blonde giggled. "I'm Danielle, by the way. Dani for short."

"Santana" I smiled.

 "I know, Mrs. P-" She stopped, letting her eyes wander the length of the room. "Crap! Where'd she go?"

"Where'd who go?" I asked, shoving my homework into my folder.

 "Rachel. She said that she'd show me to my classes." Dani said with a worried expression.

"Relax, what class do you have now?". She scanned through what looked like her schedule. "Uhm...I have calculus."

I stood up. "So do I. C'mon, I'll walk you there.".

She let out a heavy breathe of relief and flashed me another thankful smile.

I made my way out of the classroom with Dani on my heels. I was walking towards my locker but was jerked back by a sudden tug to my hand.

"What the-" I trailed off realizing who it was. "Woah, Brittany. Easy on the arm babe."

Brittany is my girlfriend of two years and also, my bestfriend. She's the most amazing person I know, and I hate that most people fail to see that.

"Uhm, sorry." She huffed. I raised my brow "You okay?"

Instead of replying, she simply examined Dani from head to toe with a not-so-friendly look.


"I'm fine. I'll see you at lunch." She finally said.

 Before I could say anything, I was knocked back against the locker as a pair of lips crashed against mine. The kiss didn't last long but I was still out of breath from being caught off guard.

Brittany smirked at me as she turned on her heel and continued to her next class, not forgetting to shoot a glare in Dani's way.

I turned to face Dani, trying to read her but I got nothing so I just kept on walking.

 "So you two are-" She finally spoke. I cut her off, already knowing what her question was. "Yup."

 "That means you're-"



I turned to face her. "You're cool with me being-" "Gay? Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Not that it's any of my business."

I sighed internally, grateful that she wasn't uncomfortable with this. "But," She began. "I'm not sure if it was just me or was she...glaring at me?"

I shifted my books onto my other hand and then spoke "Oh, no. It wasn't you. I mean, she's just PMSing...I think."

I furrowed my eyebrow causing Dani to giggle, as did I. She had one of those cute, contagious laughs.

We stopped in front of my locker and I dialed in my lock combination.

I watched Dani from the corner of my eye as I began to get out my necessary books, trying to make out if she meant what she said or if she was just being nice.

In the end, I came up with nothing. I frowned slightly. I'm usually good at reading people. What makes her so different?



This story has over 60 reads people actually read what I write? Lol sorry. Thank you! Atleast I now know that I don't completely suck haha :)

Stay beautiful Xx

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