Such a Small World

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  Elizabeth woke up at 6 getting ready to go to work. It was Saturday which meant early shift. She grabbed a pair of american eagle boyfriend ripped jeans folding them a bit. She put on her branded Forever 21 grey shirt paired with her white Adidas ultra-boost. Her hair was up in a high ponytail as her makeup was simple. She grabbed her tag placing it around her neck. Walking downstairs she was met by her parents drinking coffee. "Good morning guys." She walked over to make herself some toast. "I already made your breakfast." Her mom spoke. "Thanks. That just saves me more time." She sat down taking a bite of her freshly made french toast drinking milk. She finished her fruits putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher before going to brush her teeth. Once she was done, she grabbed her bag and car keys kissing her parents goodbye. Arriving to her job she was met by her co-workers. "Hey guys." She smiled. "If it isn't Ms. Elizabeth Dunne." Ron bowed down. "Shut up." They all laughed. "What's got you in a cheery mood today?" Destiny asked. "Wait don't tell me. Michael and you got back together." She squealed. "No, no that didn't happen. But we started talking. I don't know I just woke up feeling refreshed that's all." She shrugged as she started to fix piles of clothes before the customers came. "Stop lying. Someone got in your pants." Kevin smirked. "Definitely not! My parents would kill me if they ever find out I did the deed before marriage. Trust me, my brother did that when he was in college and got his girl pregnant and my parents were pissed the freak off. He graduated but they made him marry his girl." She told them. "Damn that's crazy. I knew your parents were strict but not that strict." "Dude if my parents were like that I would've ran away long ago." Gabe spoke. "It actually grows on you." She shrugged. Once we were done setting up the customers started to come in. "Hi, welcome to Forever 21. We have t-shirts 15% off and jeans 20% off." She greeted everyone. Walking around she fixed clothes that were undone until it was my break. "Um. excuse me. Could you help me find something that matches with these." A girl showed me a pair of purple pastel Pumas. "Are you looking for anything specific? Just a shirt, jeans or a whole outfit?" she asked as she walked around. "Whole outfit for my birthday." "Alright. I think I might know what you might like." she noticed the girl wearing ripped jeans, a loose fitted shirt, with strapped sandals. "This would be cute." she held up a pastel purple light fitted shirt with some ripped boyfriend jeans a cute small circular necklace. "Or we have this." she handed her a jean skirt, a plain choker,white shirt. Then she found some overalls. "Oh this is really cute. It might be my favorite." She gave her, her size with a loose light fitted black and white shirt. She went with her to see if it looked as she imagined. Outfit after outfit they all came together perfectly. 'So what did you think?" She asked. "I like them all." The girl looked back at her dad. "Fine get all. Only because it's for your birthday." He smiled at her. We high fived each other before they both thanked me. She walked out knowing she had a little of time left so she went over to Shake Shack. "Little one!" Oshane smiled at her. Laughing telling him what she wanted. "This is my first time seeing this place empty." "Just wait until it's 12 and on. This place is going to be packed." Oshane made her smoothie as he waited for her food to get done. "During the weekdays I don't come here because the line is out the door and this girl doesn't have time for that. So I just go to Panera or something." He gave her the order as she thanked him walking away to sit. Her phone went off as she received a text. "Good Morning Ms. Captain. Just wondering if you would like to come to the mall with Eli, O, Kim, and my brothers." she replied back. "I can't sorry. I'm stuck at work until 5." she took a bite of her burger as a soccer game was on the screen. Cristiano Ronaldo always found a way to get back into her heart. Real Madrid was playing Atlantico and were winning 2-1. Her phone lit up. "Damn that sucks. Maybe next time. You'll be missed terribly today." Laughing she put her phone away. Throwing away the garbage she thanked Oshane once more before going back to work. "Good you're here. We need your help." Destiny rushed over to the back. "What happened?" "Laine got fired and now Manager duck face wants us to work for 2 more hours." Annoyed she responded. "No that's not fair at all! If he wasn't my boss I would smack him. Ever since he got promoted he has been acting more like a little... ugh he's so lucky I can't curse or else. Especially to us since we turned him down and also because he's scared of the guys." She tried her best to calm down before walking out the back. "If it isn't the beautiful Elizabeth." The manager Enyle smirked. "What do you want? Destiny told me about Laine and how you want us to do overtime?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Totally right. But I wanted to ask if you would be open to go out with me one of these days?" He asked still with that smirk plastered on his face. "We've already had this conversation. You're not my type. Plus it's against the rules to date any co-worker especially the manager." She was getting annoyed by the minute. "It could be our little secret. I'm the manager for crying out loud. If anyone says anything about it them I'll fire them. Simple as that." "My answer is still a no. I'm not risking my job for you. Plus I getting back with my ex so things between us wouldn't work out." She lied to get him off her back. He was kinda scared of Michael so bringing him up ensured her that he would stay away for now. "Whatever. I'll be waiting for you." He smirked walking away. "You'll be waiting for a long time." she murmured rolling her eyes. It was finally my time to leave she grabbed all her things, clocking out she went straight to her car. Kimmy called so she answered putting it on speaker. "Hey, what's up?" "Nothing finally got out of work. Enyle was bothering me again. He doesn't take the hint that I'm not interested. Like damn stop being mad thirsty and so find someone who gives him the time of day." She rolled her eyes. "Girl you know he's been wanting to get with you since forever. He's Elizabeth thirsty. You never know what if he treats you like a queen? Oh and since he's the manager you could call out whenever you want." "Are you crazy? No that's not happening. If we ever break up, he's going to drive me crazy that I'll have to quit my job and honestly I love it there." She rolled her eyes. "Always thinking of the negative. What are you doing tomorrow?" Thinking she remembered the conversation with her parents. "My parents are having a dinner thing with some friends they made." "Sounds boring. Good luck." She winked. "Yeah mock me and my misery." We both laughed. "Alright I'm home. I'll text you when I'm done taking a shower." Hanging up she walked in smelling the food. "Mom it smells great!" She yelled going upstairs. "Honey put on the clothes I left on your bed." Her mom called out. Fearing of what to expect she was correct. There's no way she was wearing such thing. Rolling her eyes she went through her closet pulling out undergarments and an overall dress with a plain black shirt. She paired it with her checkered slip on vans. She went to do her thing having a little concert in the bathroom. After she was done, she got ready. Looking at her outfit in the mirror she was satisfied. Her long blonde hair was in smooth loose waves. She only applied a little bit of mascara. Spraying a little bit of her favorite perfume she applied lotion on her long tan legs. Looking at the mirror one last time she heard her mom telling her to come downstairs. "Honey I left you clothes on the bed." her mother looked at her outfit. "Yeah, I didn't like it. I would look like a grandma." Her mother rolled her eyes. "I still love you though." She gave her mom a cheesy smile. Her older brother came down as she had to hold back her laugh. "Mom I don't like this." He huffed. "Dude you look ridiculous." She laughed. "Why aren't you wearing what mom bought you? She said it was mandatory." "It is." Mom left the kitchen. "I'm going to change." He was about to go upstairs when the bell rang. "No you're staying here." Dad held him in place by the shoulder. She started laughing. Taking her phone she snapped a quick picture of him. "You better not post that." "Or what?" She smirked saving it. "Both of you, shut it now." She had a smile on her face as her brother fidgeted with his tie."This is my family." Her mother walked in with a blonde woman and a tall man. One by one their children walked in. Both LiAngelo and Elizabeth smiled when they saw each other. Her brother and LiAngelo's older brother did a handshake. "You boys know each other? What a small world." Both of the moms smiled at each other. "Yeah we always played ball down at the park." Her brother responded. "This is my middle son David, my youngest Elizabeth and my older son couldn't make it." They both waved. "This is Lonzo the oldest LiAngelo the middle son and the youngest LaMelo." They all said hi except LaMelo who was quick to take Elizabeth's hand while kissing it. "Yeah he's a flirt." His mother smiled shaking her head. Elizabeth just stood there feeling awkward. LiAngelo pulled his younger brother away as he apologized. "No it's fine. A little awkward but fine." "I knew you were beautiful but not this beautiful. My name is LaMelo Ball and future husband." He winked making Elizabeth smile awkwardly. "Yeah you're definitely a flirt." "His friends all have been talking about you. How do they know that's beyond me." LiAngelo said. "That's not weird at all." She smiled. They walked into the kitchen as they set next to each other. The waiters her mom hired started pouring soda onto the cups except the parents had wine. "It's crazy how our parents became friends." He spoke reaching for a bread stick. "Yeah, it's crazy." She took a drink from her soda. Dinner was amazing, LiAngelo and Elizabeth got to know each other more. They were opposites but both crazy for sports. All the kids were outside as the parents continued talking while drinking wine. "Do you know what college you plan on going to?" She asked him. "Yeah, I'm going to be a Bruins baby." He was prideful. "UCLA is where its at." He smirked. She looked at him rolling her eyes. "Nothing could compare to a Buckeye. Ohio State is where it's really at." She gave him a huge grin. "Do you plan on playing just volleyball or other sports as well?" He asked. "If it were up to me, I would play all the sports. But my passion is really volleyball. Who knows I could get scouted for one or even all of them and to have the opportunity of playing all would be amazing. But volleyball is in my blood you know. When I have the ball and I'm ready to serve it I just get this feeling. I'm a complete different person. I'm loud, hyper and I even get crazy especially when it comes to doing my own play I created." LiAngelo noticed Elizabeth had a smile on her face while talking. He knew that he felt the same way when it came to basketball. "When you know, you know. I'm pretty sure it's the same way to you with basketball. Eli told me you're an amazing player and from what I saw at the barbecue he was sorta right." She shrugged, "Sorta?" He felt offended. She had a huge smile. "I'm joking. But I really want to see you play." "I can't believe your parents own this." He looked around amazed. "It's whatever. I'll show you my favorite part." She stood up walking towards the back as he followed. He noticed a volleyball court. "Is it the volleyball court?" He asked walking right besides her. "No." She gave him a smile. He didn't know how she managed to get him to trust her in two days. They walked more into the back until they stopped, standing looking at a bunch of garland flowers. She had a wide smile. "To be honest, I've never taken anyone here. Not even Kimmy. This is my personal place." He was confused but as she walked into the other side he followed. He was amazed by what he saw. There was a meadow. It was beautiful. She smiled brightly as she walked to a nearby tree. "What do you think?" She asked. "How in the world?" She laughed at his reaction. "I found it when my grandma passed away. Ever since I've made it my own. I begged my parents to let me buy flowers to plant and they always asked me where I put them so I just shrug. I come here to think or whenever I want peace and quiet. It get beautiful here when the sun starts to set. I even managed to wrap these LED fairy lights to this tree. I'm trying to build a little tree house or something without my parents knowing but it's hard when they're around. Plus I don't know anything on construction." He still hadn't said anything. This place fitted her so well. "I don't either but I could try to help. Or I could tell my friends dad if you want." She smiled looking at him. "Really!?" He nodded giving her a smile showing off his braces. "I've been saving up for this. You could talk to him and let me know. Tell him that I'm a great costumer. I will even feed him for lunch." He chuckled seeing how excited she was for this. "We should go back before they start looking for us." She started walking back as he looked back one last time before following her out. She walked towards the volleyball court grabbing a ball. Her brother and the others were playing basketball. "Go have fun." She told him. He looked at the guys wanting to go play but at the same time he didn't want to leave her. It was weird because every time there was a basketball game going on he wouldn't even think twice about staying. She noticed as she gave him a smile telling him to go that it was fine. Hesitant he looked back at her. "It's okay. Go." She pushed him. He walked over to the guys as he looked back at her. She started to serve all the balls she had. After an hour or so he looked back to the volleyball court not seeing her. "I'm out. I need water." The guys nodded as he looked around. "Lover boy, she's up there." Lonzo laughed pointing to a balcony. There she was sitting on what seemed to be a bench on her computer. "Shut up." He mumbled walking into the kitchen. "May I get some water?" He asked. "Sure sweetie." Elizabeth's mother stood up grabbing a bottle of Fiji water giving it to him. Thanking her he walked right back outside sitting on the steps. "Dude come on we're playing 2v2." David yelled. He ran towards them throwing his water off to the side. The sun was setting as the boys played their last game. Elizabeth on the other hand decided to watch the sun set on her balcony. She got tired of not having anyone to play volleyball with her because for starters David would say it was a girly sport offending her and every person who loves the sport. It didn't end to well for David who would always end up in a headlock or any lock she was taught. She was bored of being the only girl and questioned if she ever had a sister would they share the same passion for volleyball? She was a daddy's girl that's for sure but he would spend time helping her brothers train for the basketball season. Her mother would train with her when she was free or when she wasn't tired from the office. She had trainers but it wasn't the same. Sure she could invite Kimmy but she felt that Kimmy also needed her space too. When she got bored she would go outside turn on her softball machine and started batting but it wasn't the same. She was a beast at batting when she was upset or mad. "Liz come down, the Ball's are leaving!" David yelled at her. She quickly went downstairs as the Ball family said their goodbyes. "It was a pleasure meeting your family Christine and Jason." LiAngelo's mom Tina smiled as she hugged me. LaMelo kissed my hand once again giving me his number. Lonzo gave me a hug as he messed up my hair. "I'm not a dog." She rolled her eyes. "I'll text you when I know something alright." LiAngelo spoke getting Elizabeth to smile. "Okay thank you." They hugged before saying bye. Once they left, Elizabeth's mom sighed. "That went really good you guys. Thank you so much." She kissed all of them. "I'm never wearing this again." David gave his mom the tie that was hanging loosely around his neck. "You look handsome." Their mom spoke. "I always do." He smirked making Elizabeth roll her eyes. "Cocky much?" She mumbled. "Mom Liz insulted me." He smirked at her. "Did not!" "Did to!" They went on. "Quiet now both of you! You guys act like you're 5 year olds." Their dad yelled rolling his eyes. "He started it." "No you did." David bickered back. "I don't care who started it. I'm ending it. Now both of you off to take a shower and go to sleep, tomorrow is a big day. Bryan is coming over with the twins and Vanessa." Their dad spoke. Elizabeth started squealing. "Omg! Finally! I'm going to spoil my niece's." With that she left to her room setting an alarm at 8 so she could get ready and go shopping. She was about to set down her alarm when she got a message from Mr. 3 Pointer. "Hey so I texted my friend and his dad agreed to do it. He wants to know when he could start." She replied right away. "Next week Monday, my parents are leaving out of town and David he always goes to the park in the mornings." Sending it she put on her pjs as she brushed her hair braiding it, washing her face and brushing her teeth. Sitting on her bed she read the message. "Alright he agreed. Do you mind if I come over to show him where you live in all?" "Yeah no problem. I'll be waiting. I'm going to sleep, I have a big day tomorrow." Not even a second went by when he responded. "Alright, goodnight and sweet dreams Ms. Captain." She couldn't help but smile at her phone. "Good night and sweet dreams to you too Mr. 3 Pointer." With that she put her phone to charge leaving it on her bedside table before drifting off to sleep. 

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