Silence is valued

Start from the beginning

"Ya know what!? Fine. But if you call me crazy I'll have yer head on a silver platter Gerard, ya can make sure of that."

I leaned foreword on my pale elbows. He began to tell his tale.

"It was a dark night. I was wandering outside in the woods, just after I had found you actually, you were about two or three and back at the house. You were such a ghastly young thing, never spoke much of a word, just kind of stared there at everyone. Anyways, I didn't have any food for ya so I decided to go out hunting for some rabbits and such. I took Fluffy with me, but I was mighty scared you bet your bottom I was. And to add to the whole mess, it was said to be the darkest night of the year, but you were hungry, I knew it...even if you didn't say to much. I trekked on and on into that forest.

"Then suddenly I heard it, a singing in my ears. It nearly scared me right out of my britches! But I kept walkin'. I had to find food for you. The singing kept happening, the same words over and over again. Somethin' bout a knife? I was dang scared, so I decided to walk back, in guessed I could just steal somethin' for ya tomorrow. But then I couldn't find out where I had been comin' from! Then a man came out of the darkness. I was dang grateful for him being there, so I called out to him. He didn't talk back or nothin, just kind of stood there, walked closer every so often. Fluffy flew away a long time ago, he was a smart one that bird. I called out again, I was a real scalawag back then, I should've just ran like a mad dog, but instead I just stood there."

"He kept coming closer and closer that scurvy brat. He was right in front of me and the last thing I could see on me left side was sort of a scratched up lookin' face, then he took out a knife and cut the eyeball right open he did! I wouldn't do anything but just bleed there. He sort of took the stuff to, drinkin' the blasted blood! Sick dog he was. Then they came. I don't know what was hapnin' really but there was a super bright light. I thought I was a goner for sure boy. But I wasn't dying exactly. There were angels in front of me, they were beautiful things Gerard, just eye-poppin'. They were pale and had real pretty faces. One was a man, one was a woman. They saved me. They mended my eye, taking out the cut completely. They replaced my torn up pupil with this one."

He motioned to his white eye.

"So ya. That's what happened to me. Don't ask me to tell ya again boy." He mumbled.

I shook my head. This didn't make any sense. Angels didn't come to earth, and certainly not to preform eye surgery on a thirty year old man who talks to a falcon in his free time. And who was this 'man' that cut his eye open? I've never heard of anyone in these woods who drinks people's blood. It just couldn't make sense, it didn't make sense. I sighed. Ash looked up at me and raised one silver eyebrow.

"Don't like the story?" He asked.

"No, it just doesn't make sense. Who was the 'man'? Who were the 'angels?"

He shook his head.

"Don't ask me son, I know just as well as you do. That scurvy dog was gone as soon as the light faded."

I thought for a minute then mumbled one word.


Ivy P.O.V.

I sighed and sat back in my mahogany chair that was much too big for my liking. The dining room table was full of sickly sweet royals, all daintily eating the large proportions of food set out for them on the long, widened out table. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone as I fingered my perfectly steamed pork chop with the silver fork. Oh how I would love to stab my mother's hand with this fork, that would be pleasant. She had invited some outlandish royal family to dinner and everyone was chatting like they were old friends, I sat next to Piper, the only one I trusted at this table. Across from me was a girl named Cali. She had long, wavy brown hair that sat right below her shoulders and pretty chocolate skin. She wore a prissy light purple dress that was thin and frilly. I tried not to look up from my full plate at her, but it was hard when her eyes were staring down into my soul. They were so full of dark brown that they were almost black. I fingered lightly at a loose string on my dark red long sleeve shirt. My pale neck was exposed so I had put on a choker to attract the attention up to it, it was black with spikes. While my parents gushed over the King and Queen of Wheretheheckistan, Piper tried to take up a rousing discussion with the 'children' of the table. Most of them were over the age of 10.

The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now