The {Im} Perfection Dare

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The {Im} Perfection Dare by beyoutiful1D

Day 1: Write a scene that takes place in a coffee shop.

Day 2: Write a scene involving a simple item that triggers a memory.

Day 3: Write a scene where your favorite song is playing in the background.

Day 4: Write a scene in a church.

Day 5: Write a scene that takes place on a farm.

Day 6: Write a scene where a you absolutely love the outfit one of the characters is wearing.

Day 7: Write a scene with no dialogue.

Day 8: Write a scene that takes place at a concert.

Day 9: Write a scene with only one character, alone.

Day 10: Write a scene where some kind of emergency occurs.

Day 11: Write a scene where on of the characters is a musician.

Day 12: Write a scene that involves the word angel.

Day 13: Write a scene with only dialogue, no narrative.

Day 14: Write a scene where a character cries.

Day 15: Write a scene taking place in an (almost) empty room.

Day 16: Write a scene based off something that occurred in your life.

Day 17: Write a scene that you've always been afraid to write about; break out of your comfort zone.

Day 18: Write a scene in a mansion.

Day 19: Write a scene that you would feel exhilarated to write.

Day 20: Write a scene taking place in an alley.

Day 21: Write a scene involving a newspaper.

Day 22: Write a scene where two characters kiss, unexpectedly.

Day 23: Write a scene involving a park bench.

Day 24: Write a scene based off of a song.

Day 25: Write a scene with a character who has dyed hair.

Day 26: Write a scene that takes place exactly where you are right now.

Day 27: Write a scene that is humorous.

Day 28: Write a scene that is completely shocking.

Day 29: Write a scene involving a strong, evident scent or smell.

Day 30: Write a scene that you've been dying to write, anything at all.

Day 31: Write a scene with a character based off of yourself.

Alternate Prompts

  Scroll through your photo library, close your eyes, and chose one photo randomly. Write a scene around it.

  Write a scene with a fast moving car.

  Write a scene based off only line from a song.

  Write a scene from the point of view of an animal.

  Write a scene with a motif ((n.) a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition) that is a color.

  Write a scene where a character wins a contest/competition.

  Write a scene where a character finds something they'd always thought they lost.

  Write a scene involving a dare.

  Steal a scene from a movie (or fairytale) , but write it in your own words. Or change it so that what you want to happen, does happen.

  Write a "scene" that is told entirely in the form of a letter from one character to another.

  Write a scene where the last dialogue spoken in the scene is your all-time favorite quote.

  Write a scene where only three words are spoken.

  Write a scene from the point of view of someone who is either blind or deaf.

  Write a scene in the style of your favorite writer.

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