One Day... {Ch. 10} [CH. 10 SPECIAL~]

Start from the beginning

   He led me to Aphmau's. He opened the door and allowed me to walk in. "Aphmau?" I asked looking around. I looked at Freddy and he smirked walking downstairs. We walked into Zoey's room and I saw the GREATEST thing ever.


   I looked at him and he looked like he was gonna cry. "Daddy...why do you hate me?" I asked. He growled and pulled out a knife. He cut the rope he was tied onto. Laurance and Travis came in. Once they saw my dad they took out their swords. "No..." I said walking up to my dad. I looked into his cold dead eyes.

   "You hate me because I'm a werewolf and my eyes change color correct?" I asked. My dad lowered his head and shook it. "When you were a month old we found you on our footsteps. You took my wife away from me..." he confessed. I lifted my eyebrow and sighed. "You could've just said can you go make some friends or whatever." I crossed my arms and my dad nodded. "I'm sorry..." he apologized. "Thank you. I think you need sometime in a cell to calm your attitude." I said walking away. "Y-yes ma'am." My dad said. I smiled and walked back upstairs and chilled by the docks.

~~Travis' POV~~
   (Y/N)'a dad put out his hands. I grabbed rope and tied it around his wrist. I led him to the guard tower and put him in a cell. Laurance left the guard tower and I sighed. "Why did you hurt her?" I asked. (Y/N)'s father looked up at me. "Shut up...she was useless...I lied to her and when I get out of here it's the end of her." He smirked. I growled and pulled out my swords as well turned into a demon. "You lay a hand on her I'll slit your threat!" I threatened. He used the tip of my sword to break the rope then he turned me around and choked me using the rope. The door swung up and I couldn't see who it was.

I felt the rope being cut. I could feel someone's chest and their heart beating. Someone's hand brushed against my cheek. I looked up and (Y/N) was holding me. She closed her eyes and she started glowing. I squeezed her hand and she stopped glowing. "D-don't waist y-your energy o-on me." I stuttered like Garroth. "No Travis. I'll be okay." She said sniffing. She closed her eyes again and started glowing. I put my hand on the back of her neck and kissed her.

"Travis let me heal you..." she said after I pulled away. "No (Y-Y/N) I c-can't help you." I said. She sighed and gave me a sorry looked. She tied my hands behind my back and covered my mouth with tape. She started to glow again. Her glowing slowly faded. She ripped the tape of my mouth and untied me. "A-all better?" She asked. I nodded and hugged her. "Thanks..." I said. " can get one thing from me." She said smiling. I heard her dad growling behind her. We helped each other stand up. "YAAAY!" I screamed. I grabbed her butt and she slapped me. "I hate you so much right now." She said. I laughed and a flame appeared in her hand. "You better run." She said smirking.

I screamed and ran she was close behind throwing fire balls at me. I hid behind Garroth as (Y/N) ran into him. "TRAVIS!" She yelled. (Y/N) was gunna jump over Garroth's shoulder but she ended up hanging from his shoulder. Garroth turned around and faced me with (Y/N)'s butt and lower facing me. "I'll go to Aphmau." Garroth said walking away with (Y/N)'s face facing me. "I WILL GET YOU TRAVIS! GET YOOOOU!" She screamed. I laughed and skipped away like a little girl.

I went to the gates and saw Zane looking sad. Dante was talking to him. I walked behind Dante and listened. There was some other guy with light green hair and dark blue eyes. "GIVE ME (Y/N) OR I DECLARE WAR!" The guy yelled. Dante looked at me and sighed. "No, she doesn't live here anymore. She died when she got back to Phoenix Drop." Dante lied. The guy looked at me and I nodded. There was a (F/C) kitten that ran to me and clawed at me feet. "STAP!" I yelled. The cat stopped and I realized it was (Y/N).

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