''You're a sweet kid, Lucas,'' She smiles. ''Sunday, she has to go back home.''

× × ×

    Ryan Collins and Lucas Friar leaned out from the comfort of their seats in Mr. Matthews class that morning to look between Maya Hart and Riley Matthews. The tension was so visible, so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

    ''In what ways do human beings resolve conflict?'' Corey questions his classroom.

    ''Bring in the mama,'' Zay immediately answers. Ryan follows along by adding, ''Or bring in Ryan, me! I can be very convincing.''

    ''Yeah?'' Lucas nods his head with a cocked brow. ''Like convincing me to watch Teen Wolf and not warning me that my wife dies.''

    Ryan narrows her eyes. ''You find out the hard way just like the rest of us, bubba.''

    ''Or,'' Farkle chimes in. ''They could talk it out.''

    ''They can go to war,'' Lucas counters.

    ''Why can't they can't talk it out?'' Farkle questions, his brows scrunched just as furiously together as Ryan's when looking at Lucas.

    ''They go to war,'' Lucas repeats more sternly.

    ''Oh, okay,'' Zay stammers. ''You and me against Farkle.''

    ''Try again trixs rabbit, Farkle and I against you and Lucas,'' Ryan remarks, twisted halfway in her seat to face him.

    ''They talk it out,'' Ryan repeats loud and clear.

    ''They go to war!'' Lucas repeats only louder.

    Zay slams his hands his desk and exclaims, ''Let's get them!''

    Ryan was surprised when Farkle brought out a toy gun similar to the ones stashed in Mr. Matthews desk and pulled the trigger of white ping pong balls towards them.

    The were quick to cover themselves.

    Giggling, Ryan shakes her head. ''You should've talked it out.''

    She reaches a hand behind her to receive a high five from Farkle.

    ''Many conflicts escalate and do not end well,'' Corey continues. ''The story of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr is a prime example. Anybody know what happened?''

    He points to his daughter. ''Riley?''

    ''Please stop picking on me?''

    He furrows his brows. ''What?''

    ''They had a duel,'' Farkle answered for her. ''Burr killed Hamilton.''

    ''In 1791, Burr captured a Senate seat from Hamilton's father in law,'' Mr. Matthews explains for those who need the catch up. ''Which launched their rivalry. Then Burr accused Hamilton of publicly insulting him.''

    A phone chime went off.

    ''Riley, no one should be texting you in class.''

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