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It's about ten at night and my parents are at it again. Sounds of glass breaking and screaming fill our home and probably echoes outside. I'm used to it. It used to bother me, but now I just support Cora and Eli.
As soon as it starts they both come into my room and start crying and now that Josh left, it's my job to comfort them. I know it sounds awful, but I'm actually happy that mom and dad are getting a divorce. I think being apart will make them happy again. We used to be a normal family. Yes, we had our ups and downs, but soon all the happy family moments just stopped.
They fight almost all the time. Usually, after a fight, they leave for a few days. It's taken a toll on all of us, but mostly Cora and Eli. I've had to step up and take more responsibility for us. I'm more of a parent to Eli than my actual parents ever were. Eli's first words, his first steps, his first time trying real food? All me. If they got divorced and the court made me choose who I'd end up with I honestly don't know who I'd choose. Maybe neither??? Maybe my great Aunt Ida would take us in. She's all the family we have, considering both my parents were the only children in their family and both my grandparents passed away before I was born. Aunt Ida says I look and remind her of herself when she was younger and that's why she enjoys my company so much. I love spending time with Aunt Ida, but I've never gone to her house. We usually just go out and get our nails and hair done. I don't really enjoy it but it makes her happy and it lets us spend time together, so I'm ok with it, but lately I haven't seen much of her. I don't know why but hopefully I'll get to see her for Christmas again since it's in a few weeks.
The slamming of the door brings me out of my thoughts and signals that it's safe for us to come out of my room. Cora and Eli have stopped crying and I asked them what they wanted for dinner,
"Chicken and macaroni!!!" They yell in unison.
As I go down the steps I assess the damage. All I saw was a broken vase, papers thrown everywhere, and a broken plate, not as bad as I thought it would be. While Eli and Cora pick up the papers I sweep up the glass and throw it away. Once they're both fed they get ready for bed . Since it's so late they both pass out as soon as they hit their heads hit the pillow.
As I went to the couch, I texted my best friends Hannah and Emily.
Carrie- Hey girls!!!

  Hannah- Greetings!!!

Emily- Hiya!!!

Emily- Are y'all going to Arthur's party

Hannah- Heck yeah I am!!!

Emily- Good. What about you

Carrie- Idk? I'm not a party person.
Y'all know this

Hannah- Come on!!! It'll be fun!!!

Emily- Yeah and we'll be there with you the whole party!!!

Emily- Maybe we'll meet cute guys

Hannah- That would be awesome!!!

Carrie- Yeah right!!! Y'all might but I probably won't. Besides,I don't have a dress

  Hannah- We can go to the mall

Emily- Please Carrie?!?!?!?

  Hannah- please please please please

Carrie- Alright I'll go but y'all owe me
for this. Ok???

Emily- Ok!!!

Hannah- It's a deal!!!

Carrie- ok guys see y'all at the mall
around noon???

Emily- Sounds good!!! Night!!!

Hannah- Ok, goodnight
The phone was charging when I got a text from Mom.
  Mom- Staying in a hotel for a few days. Sorry to do this to you again, but I can't deal with him any longer. You probably already know but emergency cash is in the cookie jar on the shelf and emergency contacts on the fridge. Love you and goodnight ❤️😘

Carrie- Ok, night

Mom- Don't I get a I love you to?

Carrie- No

Mom- And why not?

Carrie-You told me me never to lie

Mom- Carrie, I know you don't mean that

Carrie- Then you don't know me at all

Mom- Carrie, you take that back right now!

Carrie- Why would I take it back when it's the truth?!?!

Mom- I don't have time for this. We'll talk about this when I get home.

Carrie- When's that another week?


Carrie- Whatever
I slammed the phone down and headed up stairs with tears in my eyes. I did love my mom, but I couldn't do it anymore. I was furious at them for leaving AGAIN. I'm angry because I'm supposed to be having the time of my life. Instead, I'm playing parent because mine are never there! I just got my drivers license and all I got as a celebration was a congrats from my siblings. Josh only found out because Emily posted about it on whatever social media she could. I don't have social media because I don't see what the big deal. It's a waste of time and people can get your private information from it. No thanks! I'm good without it. I mean the only things I really need are calling, texting, and FaceTime. Those are the necessities, right?
After showering and changing I climbed into bed and fell asleep to Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab.

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