Chapter 7 - The Zeke takeover begins

Start from the beginning

“That would be me.” Everyone turned to see Zeke in the doorway and Cole swore rudely.

“You!” Cole shouted out while Zeke simply smiled pleasantly.

“Yes Cole?” Zeke gave him his full attention and I envied how easy he seemed to stand up for himself.

“You’re on her side!” Cole turned and pointed to Winter while I simply felt confused by what was going on. Winter snorted with laughter and Cole looked mad enough to spit fire.

“It always pays to be on the side of the most powerful person in existence.” Zeke said as he dropped Winter a wink causing that red hot feeling to spear through me again.

“You think she has power?” Cole asked in disbelief before he let out a grunt of laughter.

“No Cole I don’t think it, I know it and unlike you I’m almost one hundred percent accurate. I can see your future and if you keep going down the path you’re on it will only spell disaster for you.” Zeke told him calmly and Cole went pale.

It was the first time I had ever seen anyone take Cole out so cool and collectively. Once again I envied Zeke. This was what I wanted to be like but always failed dismally at. I had the awesome superhero powers but with no backbone behind it.

“Yeah right.” Cole finally snorted out in answer but it sounded lame even in my ears. Zeke simply raised an eyebrow before a rather sneaky smile filled his face.

‘Okay how about I tell you all your future and we’ll see what you think. Quill your powers will be lost by the end of this year if you keep badgering Winter. You will go onto to be a rather poorly paid exotic dancer.” Quill looked offended by what Zeke said while Winter laughed from next to me.

Zeke though simply moved onto the next person. He went around the whole group leaving Cole until last. It was strange that Winter’s name had been mentioned in nearly every person’s future. A lot of dubious looks were sent our way. I wanted to reach over to reassure her that everything would be perfectly fine but I felt frozen in place.

“Oh so what I’m lucky last?” Cole asked sarcastically.

“There’s a reason for that.” Zeke turned to him and Cole looked as though he wished he had said nothing.

“Yeah like what?” Cole tried to look calm but there was an emotion behind his eyes that looked intimidated.

“You will walk out that door and slam it the moment I mention something that you want nobody to know about. You have two paths that I can see, one is treacherous and one is clear but ends in an untimely death. It will all depend on the true depths of feelings that you have for Winter.”

As soon as Winter’s name was mentioned, Cole did exactly what Zeke had predicted. He walked out of the door and slammed it hard. I was still in a zone of confusion as Zeke shuffled everyone towards the exit. I looked over to Winter to see her looking stunned.

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