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T w e n t y - N i n e

Erin sat up and dried her eyes. They weren't out of the situation yet. She had to keep it together or the others might lose their determination.

At the sound of a soft footfall behind her, she froze.

"What do you want?" she tried to keep her voice steady.

"I-I just wanted to see if you were all right," Maya said. "I felt the floor shake and heard wind rushing in and-" she stopped. "Ryan!" She hurried forward, but came to a halt when she noticed the knife jutting out of his chest and the blood pooling on the floor beside him. "What happened?"

"We got inside and had to shut the door and-" the words came tumbling out, then caught in Erin's throat. "Tarron." That was all the explanation that was needed.

"Ryan!" Erin heard the disbelief in Maya's voice.

"Ryan's dead."

Maya spluttered on. "But shouldn't we- How-? Get him in a cot-"

"Ryan is dead!" Erin whirled around in a sudden fury and Maya recoiled in shock. "Don't you understand that?!"

Looking at Maya for the first time, Erin saw at once that her words had wounded the other girl. Maya had a hurt expression, and her eyes were dull and red-rimmed.

"Please," she said, a little less forcefully. "Just leave me in peace." She turned back to Ryan's body.

"You're not the only one who cared about him," Maya said quietly.

Erin said nothing.

After a few moments, fading footsteps signaled that she was alone once more.

When Forever Ends (Part 2: The Place with No Name)Where stories live. Discover now