Five Interesting things

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Hii guys, I'm back 😋😉. I was actually first tagged in this by LuckyPlum a century ago. She is such an amazing person and one of the best authors out there. You guys must definitely check out her work. I always love talking to her. She is one of the sweetest persons I know 😆❤💕.

So this tag is about five interesting thing about me. Now before we begin you need to know that there really isn't anything very interesting about me so don't get your hopes up 😜.

1. I am an over thinker. I will over think everything and this will one day lead to me going mad( I'm positive it will happen very soon 😂) Also by over think I mean spiritually. Like why the hell do we exist? What is our purpose and all that crap. Ya I'm pretty weird.

2. I am a hopeless dancer. I literally have three left feet when it comes to dancing. I can probably kill someone by dancing (They will be petrified on the spot) and no I am not exaggerating. I truly am a horrible dancer.

3. I love everything literally. Any sort of life form( Yes even aliens. I actually like them more than human but don't tell anyone that 😉) Bugs, insects( I am a little grossed out by a spiders and centipede) I love them all.

4. I do not scare easy. I will go to a graveyard at midnight and will not so much as shiver. As much as this might seem like a blessing its more of a curse because well you really never get scared of anything and that's sucks at times. You also can't sneak up on me easily too 😋.

5. Would I rather

Have Cake or Pizza

This is obviously a difficult pick but since I have a sweet tooth I'm going with cake. I do love pizza too but I'm more of a burger kinda girl.

Have the ability to fly or teleport instantly

Well as much as I am scared of heights I will choose flying rather than teleport instantly. Why, cause I would love the adrenaline rush. To view the world from above. Ya that would be awesome. Plus I like to tackle my fears so this is probably the best way to do so.

Have a vacation on the moon or under the sea

This one is easy. Most definitely under the sea. I mean who the hell would go to the moon which is dry and void of any life when you can see so many colourful life forms. Who knows I might even encounter a mermaid 😍.

Would you rather meet a historical figure or a fictional character.

Well a fictional character. I mean I would love to meet Naruto, Kakashi, Itachi, L, Usui and soo many more( in case your like huh, who the hell are these people, they are anime characters).

A historical figure who I would like to meet would either be Einstein or Hitler. Einstein because he is awesome (I don't really know a lot about his work but he is an amazing human being so that's why I love the guy) and Hitler because I want to know why he did what he did. How did his mind work? I mean he was a war hero how did someone like him have the heart to kill so many people?

So ya, that's all guys. Hope I didn't bore you all 😅. I further nominate






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