Ruby & Emily - Part 1

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It's autumn. Two jubilant young girls are being pulled in an old fashioned red wagon down a city sidewalk. They're both sitting cross legged, facing each other and talking animatedly. Ruby Gold is a confused, artsy, seventeen year old who is desperately trying to lose her virginity but at the same time attempting to conceal her desperation. She's, overall, a scraggly put together teen who's currently munching on JuJu Bees while her best friend, Emily Klote, licks at an ice cream cone.

The boy pulling the red wagon is Petey Davids. He's a tall, manly brute with light hair. He appears to be having a good time, too, contributing to the conversation every once in a while but he's no where near as joyful looking as they are.

"And then he removed the bandages and his whole face looked like scalloped potatoes!" Emily said dramatically.

"Say wh-at?" an astonished Ruby replies, needing more details.

"Well, except for the top of his head. That part was pretty normal."

"Ew, I'm going to need a heavy dose of brain bleach for that image. But I would still watch TLC every day if I could." said Ruby.

"Did you guys hear about that guy from Asia who had bark instead of skin?" Petey interjected.

Both girls gasp in unison.

"Oh man, that is bleak." Ruby said, hanging her head.

"So when can I stop being the pack mule?" asked Petey.

"Ah-ah-ah Pete, not so fast." said Emily.

A couple cars with teenage boys hanging out of the windows beep loudly and making obscene gestures as they drive by causing Petey to sigh deeply.

"All of my friends are getting a hard-on from seeing me pull you two lead asses around." he said.

"Think of it more as a conservation of energy..." Ruby replied happily.

"Yeah, our energy. Plus you only have a few more blocks to go and then you can drop us off at our houses." Emily stated matter-of-factly.

"This is ridiculous... And possibly illegal." he said.

"Well, while you're friends are all jizzing their pants, maybe you should take this time to pause and think about why you lost the bet." Ruby said while Emily places her hands on her lap in a meditative position.

"Yeah dude. Reflect." Emily said.

"Well, how was I supposed to know that Claudia would be into doing Mike?" Petey groaned.

"Because Claudia is into tapping everyone." Ruby responded.

"I heard she even banged girl junk once." Emily said.

"What, like she had outer course with a girl? How does that even work?" Ruby replied, interested.

"Good question." says Emily.

The wagon shakes violently and the two girls are forced forward.

"Hey! Watch it! You've got precious cargo, capiche?" Emily practically screams.

Petey rolls his eyes at Emily's whining.


Ruby turns to face Petey and she wags her finger in his direction.

"So naive. Tsk, tsk,"

Petey uses his free hand to rub Ruby's head messily.

"Ah, you're lucky I like you so much."

This show of affection causes Emily to tie an air noose and pretend to hang herself.

"No couple-y stuff! Right now there's a clear caste system: he is the pull-er and we are the pull-ees." She says definitively.

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