Drop Dead Gorgeous

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Her heart shatters upon the wooden floor. She shouldn't have let it get this far. The crimson drops of blood run down her cheek. He shouldn't have left.

She falls on the floor crying, rethinking what she's done, and worse what's she's and let people do to her.

He held her so gently before, every kiss a touch from the Gods. He has now taken to smashing he face in, and proclaiming his love in the forms of scars, instead of gently spoken nothings.

She thinks she should fight back, say stop, but then she thinks what that he could be the only one she meets. What if when she leaves him she'll die alone with nobody to love.

She sees her reflection in the mirror. What drove her to this madness? Surely she hadn't been so naught looking before.
She remembers when she was beautiful. Her long hair was always intricately done. However, when the bruises started to show all of her time went to covering up the truth. He did love her! She swore he did. Even if he didn't, he was the only one there since she ran away. He saved her from the streets. Maybe being a prostitute wasn't much of an upgrade, but it was something, a job at least. I mean, dating the man in control did have its perks, if you count him beating her over the men and women that she sold herself to.

She starts thinking of what she's going to do, questioning what should be done. Should she stay with him and continue this life, or leave and start anew? There's the chance he won't  let her. The possibility he locks her up in the basement,and gives  barley enough provisions to survive.

He's done it before, lock her up for trying to leave. The time before last she nearly kissed death. How she yearns for death to kill her pain. She hopes for a new start, but dreams of her end.
She knows where he hides the booze and pills. To crack a glass bottle and down a couple of pills is a means to end. She could do it. She knows how easy it is. All she requires is the courage to do it, will her feet to move.

Then she thinks of how the kitchen has knifes, and of the bottle that she had found. She thinks she could kill him, but no, no, no, she loves him too much, and what if she were to get caught? She could go to jail for 25 years and would surely die alone.

She decides quickly which fate she found worse. Sleep had been something she was in need of. Sleeping forever wouldn't be so bad. Roses could never be as red as the blood from what she did next. Gathering her courage, she rushes and finds her demise. She races to the prostitution house's main hallway, to where she was first raped. Here is where she took her last breath, leaving life and endless possibilities behind .
The blood shoots out of her veins. The aspirin numbing the pain, whilst the alcohol allows her to bleed out faster. She is no more. Her spirit waits for her ex-lover. She could drag him through Tartarus, just as he had done to her.
~554 words~
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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