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I miss you

oh baby i miss you too
Is everything okay? You don't usually say that when we've been together less then 48 before

Lottie ⛪
No it isn't

Lottie ⛪
Me and Alex called things off. Apparently he thought that I focused more on my career than in on our relationship

Lottie ⛪
I know I travel a lot but I always took him with me whenever he could go and I always made sure he had a say or the chance to make an opinion on my choices

Lottie ⛪
i just thought we were doing so good, you know?

Charlotte, I'm so sorry. Are you still staying at the apartment?

And you are a good girlfriend. He had no reason to complain when most times he was the one who didn't show up or who wanted to stay behind

If someone wasn't dedicated to the relationship it was him

Lottie ⛪
No he kicked me out

Lottie ⛪
He also said that on the very few occasions I had to be able to be with him that I had been to clingy and needy

Well, I don't think you are and neither does the bed that my mom is offering you.

You're like her second daughter, she wants you to stay over as long as you want to

Lottie ⛪
I'm going to take up on that offer

Lottie ⛪
Would it sound really pathetic if I said that I'll be over in 30 with most of my stuff?

No darling it wouldn't
Come as soon as you want. My bottles of vodka and the ice cream will be waiting for you

Lottie ⛪
Ohhh caramel ice cream

Lottie ⛪
Btw how are things with Chris?

Good but I think that this is a subject belongs to our ice cream conversations

The sooner you get here the sooner you'll know

Lottie ⛪
Mysterious bitch

I love you

Lottie ⛪
I love you too

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