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As soon as her systems loaded up A.I.VA definitely knew something was off. Stepping out of her capsule the woman looked around as her systems and sensors began booting up yet something felt different. Pushing the thought aside however a knew objective filled A.I.VA's mind. Wake up Alphonso.

She began making her way through the halls of the Overwatch base noticing she was gaining strange looks from the other agents, some appeared surprised or shocked while others were confused and followed her every move. She tried her best to ignore their gazes as she peered into Alphonso's room finding no one there. It appears he was already awake and out and about in the base. And so began her search.

While walking around the base looking for the small boy one agent actually greeted her instead of staring like the rest. Being polite A.I.V.A paused and raised her hand to give a small wave as she replied with a brief "Good morning." Suddenly her hand froze mid wave as she heard her own voice. Instead of the usual feminine British voice she always had it sounded more masculine and charming. With furrowed brows she then glanced at her hand and noticed it was larger, her slim fingers were replaced with slightly thicker ones and her nails were much shorter than before.

There was a short pause as A.I.V.A stared at her hand before she broke out into a sprint towards the restroom. Racing inside her hands gripped either side of the sink counter as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Expecting to see her normal face A.I.V.A was instead greeted by a male with short and messy snow white hair. Turning her head to the side slightly she examined her now chiseled jawline and thinner lips. She then stared at her eyes expecting to see the usual ocean and electric blue irises however she was met by blood red ones. Running a hand through her messy locks A.I.V.A took in her new appearance and sighed heavily. "Oh dear..."

Too focused on her reflection she had yet to notice someone standing in the doorway staring at the male.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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