Chapter 2

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"How was it?" Liza asks as I walk into the apartment.

"Terrible. Horrible. I'm not going back." I say going to my room and locking it behind me.

I sit on my bed and dig my head in my hands letting a few tears silently fall.

I look over to my bedside table and see the picture I've kept of my mom and I in Mallorca, Spain.

I grab it, hold it to my heart and lay back into my bed.

"What has happened to me mom?" I say. I get a text and look at my phone. It's Jacob.

Jacob: Hey Scar! I emailed you the pictures. And I was wondering if you would be down to do a partner photo shoot? You'll get the photos for free. No charge. My friend Colby needs a partner photo shoot for resumes and such. And I think you'll be perfect!

Scar: Hey Jacob! I would love to do it. Time and place?

Jacob: On a roof. The address is ----- and be there at 3 tomorrow. And bring all black outfits.

Scar: alright. See you there!

I'm really not in the mood to go pose awkwardly with tomorrow with some random dude. But that's the life I chose. Can't complain.

But for now I of course have rehersal.

The next day

I wake up around 1. Yes I know it's late. I was up all night filming and editing my new video for my YouTube channel.

But now I have to get ready.

I hop in the shower and am out in 30 minutes.

Now it's time to do my makeup.

He didn't give me any specifics on what to do so he's just gonna have to take what he gets.

I do a dark smoker eye because he said everything is gonna be black.

I make sure my scar is covered. I don't show it anymore. Because 1. It's embarrassing. And 2. People will ask about it. And I really don't wanna explain what happened. But I don't wanna lie either. So I just don't show it.

Besides the foster mom who gave me the nickname, and Liza pnobody knows that my name is Fernanda. Well besides my therapist.

I pick a couple of black outfits and head out.


I get to the roof. And not gonna lie the view is breathtaking.

"Hey Scar! Good to see you again!" Jacob says hugging me.

We walk over to where we're gonna shoot.

"So this is Colby. Colby this is Scar."

"Hey. It's nice to meet you. Thanks for doing this." He says pulling me into a hug.

Damn. Not gonna lie this boy is pretty attractive.

"Oh it's no problem." I tell him.

"Ok we're gonna start over here. And I want you guys to stand like this."

He says facing Colby diagonally to the camera showing off his jawline. He has me wrap an arm around behind his torso and lean my head on his shoulder.

A Fosters Future//Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now