Love story

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"Aw Watch it!" Shoutes Elizabeth
I'm so sorry I did not mean to bump into you" calmly says coal
"hi" she says  pushing her hair to one side of her face and blushing,
"I'd really appreciate it if I bought you a drink for forgiveness" coal says twitching his nose,elizabeth egreas.

Half an hour later coal and Elizabeth get to know each other,Elizabeth blacks out for 2 minitues and starts to stare at his big blue eyes,his long brown quiff and the way his jacket tugs his body like a warm fuzzy blanket.

"Elizabeth,Elizabeth" whispers coal in her left ear with big round circled earrings on, "ow hi" Elizabeth says flipping her hair to her right side, I've got to run work break has almost
finished" "ow bye I'll see you later hopefully" hopes Elizabeth crossing her left and right finger; "I didn't get your number" coal says with laughter
"I hope you don't mind","no not at all here" Elizabeth writes on a piece of paper happily wishing he would ring her tonight.

As it got to ten a clock Elizabeth got a phone call she was so exited she squealed like a squirrel as she picked up the phone Elizabeth said "is this coal" she started to blush and started to twirl her hair."No it's bob from down the road who do you think it is you told me to ring you didn't you?" Coal said laghing "yes yes I did" Elizabeth said happily smiling in the mirror.

As coal and Elizabeth talk on the phone coal asks Elizabeth on and date to the cinema and Elizabeth agrees.

As Elizabeth and coal puts the phone down Elizabeth was getting very exited so was coal. Elizabeth had already picked her outfit but remembered that it is date and not to be late tomorrow.

It just turned seven a clock and Elizabeth's alarm rang a song of a brid singing. Coal had decided to wake up at half eight so he has enough time to get ready.

Elizabeth shoved her pink top on, denim jeans and she gently put her make up on and straightened her long brown hair she was ready to go out the door before eight.

Coal's alarm went off "bring bring" the alarm sang. He slammed the top of the alarm "later" coal said as if he was an old man getting up for work.

Coal missed his alarm clock and woke up at nine "ow shiz I only have half an hour" he said pannacing' he grabbed his gray t-shirt,his denim jeans and his shoes he shoved them all on and brushed his long brown quiff as he was about to reach for the door handle he remembered he had to get his phone and his hoodie,he put his hoodie on and shoved his phone in the pocket than left to go to the cinema.

Elizabeth was waiting for coal to turn up. She started thinking he stood her up but she knew deep inside he was not that type of guy. Elizabeth was about to catch the train back until in the distance she saw coal running like he was being chased, coal ran up to Elizabeth and mumbled "I'm so sorry I'm late"  he was out of breath Elizabeth replied with "forget it the movie has already started" coal felt like he was such a failure and said  "sorry" and catched the bus back home.

On the bus he saw this beautiful girl with long black eyelashes,long blonde curly hair and just pure beauty. She came up to him and whispered "had a bad day?" he was confused and mumbled "how do you know?" "I can just tell" coal sighed. "I'm kayla by the way whats your name" kayla said politely "I'm coal " he  said whilst looking at the floor, "so what's  happened?" "I messed up on my 1st date with this amazing girl" coal sighed again "I'm sorry" kayla mumbled and sat by coal.

The train stopped and coal got off to go to his flat beth also lived near him he was in room number 12 and she was in room number 9 just down the hall from each other really.

As soon as thay got to the flat entrance Elizabeth said "you live here to?" Coal was confused at the time but than he got the question "ye,ye I do,you do to?" "Yeah" she laughed, I will see you tomorrow" Elizabeth says in laughter, number 12 by the way" "number 9" kayla exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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