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I'm a mobile editor and I can't make very complicated covers because mobile has it's limitations. Also, because I'm just not very good >.< I started this cover shop on July 2017 and by the start of September 2017, I stopped. I'm finally back and hopefully I stay this time!

Whenever I make a graphic, I would usually make more than one: to give you a variety of choices.

I make stickers, cover, book cover mockups, picspams/moodboards and icons. Check out my work on the next part!

Note: My graphic shop actually reached 5k reads and 400+ votes! I'm super thankful for everyone that made it happen, but I'm starting all over. I won't be reusing chapters, except for the requests I've done and want to stay, because I want a fresh new start. Thank you again to everyone! <3


1. Please don't steal my work.

2. Use the cover/graphic I made for at least one week, or put it in the media section.

3. Please put your requests on the comments section, specifically the part named: Forms & Requests.

4. I am allowed to decline a request. (Don't worry, I wont just ignore you. I will tell you if I decline your request.)

5. If the shop is closed for catch-up, feel free to request or comment your form, but know that I will most likely not respond to it. I will accept or decline it once I open up the shop again.

6. Don't be rude and impatient. If it takes me long to make your graphic, I'm sorry. But that doesn't give you the right to be rude. Put your favorite color under extra, to make sure you read the rules.

7. Credit me. This is under payment, but honestly it shouldn't even be said anymore, because it's understood. Not giving me proper credit is practically stealing it.


1. Follow me permanently.

2. Credit me for the cover. Put it in the summary of your book.


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