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Cassandra's P.O.V.

We are stopping in Cardiff for a little while before we leave. The Doctor grabbed a few things and then we were off before Jack grabbed on to the TARDIS. He rode outside to the end of the universe. When we arrived Jack fell off and appeared to be dead. Martha was going crazy about him being dead. He woke up and said, "Hello I am Captain Jack Harkness." I said, "Jack there is a time and a place for flirting. Stop it now." The Doctor said, "Don't." Jack said, "Can I not say hello to anyone?" I glared at him and Martha said, "I don't mind."

Time Skip

"Depends on which one they are. I can't be it just can't." The Doctor and I said in unison. Jack said, "If he escaped the Time War then it is the perfect place to hide. The end of the universe."

Time Skip

The Master stole the TARDIS.

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