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tyler's alarm went off at its usual time, 6:00 a.m.
as usual tyler had woken up about 45 minuets before hand, staring at his ceiling unable to sleep. he usually starts writing when this happens, but this night was different. he couldn't get his mind to stop buzzing. thoughts of the boy with blue hair kept racing through his mind. tyler hates having crushes on people. they always leave him disappointed. he also hates it because he can't help but to feel bad. he was uncomfortable being gay, but he was also uncomfortable with women. he knew he was "supposed" to be attracted to them but they just weren't... his cup of tea. men on the other hand.. he fantasizes about being openly gay and comfortable, but he just doesn't have it in him to come out. it leaves him quite frustrated. 
tyler snapped himself out of his train of thoughts to check his phone.
11/9/07|Text Message: from Work.
he opened the text to find out he didn't have to go in today for the persons shift he was supposed to cover. /sweet. a day off./ he was happy to not go back to the hot and sweaty restaurant. he glanced at the paper with the number josh had written down, and decided to at least put it in his contacts.
creating a new contact in his phone, tyler didn't know what to name it. 'music shop'? josh? boy with blue hair? he decided, for shits n giggles to put the number in as $exyMoFo. /ha. good thing he'll never see this./ tyler chuckled to himself.
after thinking about it, he decided to shoot the number a text. he really wanted this new job, but of course was nervous to say the wrong thing. /is it still too early? i hope this doesn't wake him up./ tyler thought of all the different scenarios that could happen. approximately 15 minutes later, he quit debating in his head and decided to send a text.

6:17am| Hello, its Tyler. If the shop is still hiring, I would be happy to schedule an interview. Thanks so much.

after reading  the text over and over again, tyler finally decided to send it, making sure he had the right capitalizations. he never uses caps but he felt the need to be 'professional.'
he figured josh wouldn't be up yet, but surprisingly his phone buzzed a few minutes later. tyler was in the middle of brushing his teeth and scrambled over to the phone.
11/9/07| Text Message: from $exyMoFo.
tyler laughed. /i'm going to love getting messages from work./

6:21am| hey tyler! it's josh. glad you're interested. um, honestly we're so short staffed we really don't need to interview you. especially since i met you briefly, i can tell you'll be perfect for the job. stop by anytime today, the shop opens at noon, and we can get you started!

tyler laughed at josh's signature. /what a goof./ he was so nervous about starting, but also pumped he basically got the job! /i'm so ready to call the restaurant and fucking quit./ tyler thought to himself. he wasn't even going to put in his two weeks with those assholes.
it took tyler a while to compose the "right text," but he finally sent one. this time he wasn't worried about hitting the shift key, since josh obviously didn't believe in that shit either.

6:31am| no problem! thanks for getting back to me. see you around noon then?
6:34am| yeah totally! and we could meet earlier if you'd like, i could show you around before customers arrive. we're never super busy or anything, but i guess it would be better for you to know the ropes before we open lol xD
around 10-10:30?

tyler's heart beat quickened. /fuck. we're going to be alone together for an hour an a half. shit./ he was half nervous half exited half dreading half really happy.  he was also pumped that josh was texting back so fast. he really hoped he didn't wake the dude up.

6:39am| that works for me! i'll see you then. sorry if i woke you up by the way
6:41am| don't be! i was already awake haha. gotta hit the gym sometime xD i'm super exited for you to start!
6:42am| haha okay. i'm exited too! and yeah, totally, get them gains lmao
6:43am| i swear i'm not just a meathead hahaha. you'll see soon enough. we'll be spending enough time together for you to fully understand my "intellectual ability." xDxDxD
6:45am| whatever you say, spooky jim. xD haha see you soon josh.
6:46am| spooky jim is an art form. never forget that. xD  see you at 10:30 tyler.

tyler slid his phone keyboard shut. now he really liked this guy. he liked his humor, his use of emoticons, everything. /i cannot wait to get to know this guy./

10:30 could not come soon enough.

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