My Heart My Body(smut)

Start from the beginning

"Dipper can you go get the cookies and eggnog?" Something was up he usually called me pine tree. What was wrong? Is he mad at me? Wait?! Is he going to break up with me?! I nodded. I left the room and got my jacket. I had to get out before bill saw me crying and broke up with a baby like me right there and then. I quietly shut the door and ran down the street. I just kept running. I didn't care where I was going just far away. Far far away. I can't stop this heartbreak. It was coming. Hes gotten bored of me. I whine to much and hes always saving me. I never help him. He deserves better. I shouldn't guilt trip him into staying with me. I just don't want him to hate me. But I don't want to see him again. We can't be friends. I can't bare to see him with someone else. Happy like we once were.

When I cleared my tears I found myself at the docks. No one was in sight. I sat down looking down at the water. Then my tears wouldn't stop. I let all of them flow out. All the ducks swam away from my broken state just like everyone else. Everyone leaves why would I think bill would be any different? I was an idiot to believe that anyone could love me.

What is that noise?! Its so annoying. I looked around till I noticed it was from my hoodie pocket.

I turned on my phone to see bill and me hugging. He was calling me. Yep I ran away and now here it comes. Maybe I should break up with him. It will be easier for me. He has obviously gotten over me. Its my turn. And it won't hurt him.

I answered the phone and before he could get out a word I was screaming.

"I don't care! We are done! Since you wanted to break up I'll break up first! I can't believe I thought you loved me!? I'm done I'm just done with it all!! I hate you!" The tears were back but my voice was still strong. "I don't want to see your face again! In fact I'll just end it! Since everyone leaves me I'll just leave them! Its over!"

"Wait don't do-" I hung up crying and throwing my phone into the lake. I was done. I ran back to the bridge just a block away and got up onto the edge. No cars. I walked back and forth on the edge. I looked down at the big drop and surprisingly wasn't scared. I was happy. I wouldn't feel anything. No more love or heartbreak. I could be without bill in peace. I could be free. I would be dead. I lifted a foot to jump. Suddenly I was being pulled back from the edge. I was on the ground. I tried to clear my tears so I could see who grabbed me.

"You big idiot!" Wait that was bill! I got up and started to run. Why would he save me? Wouldn't he want to push me?

"Mason Pines!!!" I stopped. I turned around to also see Mabel behind bill. But bill had said my name. How did he know it? Not even Mabel knew!! This jerk. First breaks my heart and then he embarrasses me. This was bullying!

"What you jerk?! Came here to rip out my heart again?! How mean can you be?! I mean we were together for so long I thought I knew you?! I thought I loved you?! And now your breaking-" All of a sudden bill charges at me and pins me to the ground and put his hand over my mouth.

"D-dipper let me explain." Bill was crying. No not crying balling. And so were Mabel and Pacifica.

"So you want to break up with me slower?! You want to tell me everything that you hate about me?! Don't worry I already know all of that. Its why I hate myself too." I ended up in a whisper. Even though I knew bill heard it. Then bill did something that I never ever in my life would have thought of him doing.

He hugged me.

"I said I would never leave you" hiccup" but you were going to leave me." Hiccup.

Bill was making me cry again. He was going to leave me so why did he say that? I tried to push him away but he kept tightening his grip.

"I'm not falling for it! You were nervous the whole night. Then you called me dipper. You only call me dipper when you want my attention in a serious matter. You were going to break up with me so I broke up with you first! Now get off of me!"

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