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Your alarm clock blarred in your ear before a tentacle came out of below your shoulder to press the snooze button. You opened your eyes before sighing. You rolled out of bed, wearing a male sleeveless shirt and your panties, before going over to your closet.

You changed before putting on your mother's star necklace and grabbed your hoodie, aligned with your father's medals, before getting your skateboard and bookbag

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You changed before putting on your mother's star necklace and grabbed your hoodie, aligned with your father's medals, before getting your skateboard and bookbag. You passed by your family photo before looking at it. You kissed it, while muttering 'Love you guys', before heading out the door.

You hopped on your skateboard and started towards the school. You did a few tricks, here and there, before seeing the popular girls smoking. You rolled your eyes before passing them. "Hey! Freakazod!" You stopped your skateboard before growling at the name. "What?" You snapped. "Got eye surgery yet? Or are you still ugly as shit?" The leader, Maggie, asked.

"I don't know. Did you get your plastic surgery removed or are you still a fake Barbie bitch?" You snapped back. "Oh no you just didn't!" Sophie, Maggie's twin, said. "Uh. Yeah. I did. Try using your ears, its useful." You replied before skating off.

You saw the school before getting off your board and slipping it into your bag. You were a senior and almost ready to get a job. You already work part time at an animal shelter. You took a breath, taking in the autumn air, before walking.

You already knew this was going to be a bad day.

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