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Today I was in the studio working on some new music. Bruno has really been inspiring me lately and I was glad because otherwise I would have been blank.
My phone rang and I looked at it. Bruno. I answered it. "Hey baby." I said.
"Hey. I was just wondering if you wanted take out for dinner." he said.
"Yeah. Get some Chinese." I said
"Okay. When are you gonna be home?"
"Pretty soon. I'm finishing up so probably twenty minutes." I said.
"Okay. I'm just wondering. I got some great news to tell you." He said.
"Okay. I'll see you soon." I said. I hung up and smiled to myself. My boyfriend always knew how to make me happy.
I finished cleaning up my song writing mess and then decided it was time to leave. It was pretty late. Almost eight o'clock. I walked outside to my car and stopped when I heard someone walking up behind me. I turned around and dropped my keys as a giant figure grabbed me putting their hand over my mouth. I bit them making their grip disappear. I started running but didn't get too far. My hair was pulled making me fall backwards. I screamed out but felt a huge pain on the side of my head and then I was out. Everything went black.



I was sitting at home waiting for Katie to get home. I so badly wanted to tell her about me getting to perform at my second Superbowl. I was excited.
I checked the clock once more. It was almost nine. Where was she? She should have been home by now. I blew out the candles I had lit and grabbed my keys walking out the door. Something just didn't feel right to me.
I got to the studio in no time and katies car was parked there but she was nowhere to be seen. I walked to the studio door and it was locked. She couldn't have been in there. I started investigating and walked over to her car. Her keys were in the ground. There was blood near her keys and I started freaking out this was not happening.



My eyes fluttered open to a bright light. I had a massive headache. I looked around me and all I could see was brick. I tried to put my arms to my sides but they were chained to a wall. This couldn't be good. I started yanking but the chains wouldn't budge.
"Ah. Good. You're awake." a man's voice said.
I looked ahead and got instantly scared. There was a huge man standing above me and I couldn't see his face because of the light.
"What do you want with me?" I asked.
"Oh it's not you. Its not you at all. Its your boyfriend I want. He owes me money and I'm gonna collect." He said.
"For what?"
"Don't you worry about that. I'm just doing what I'm told. My boss is one impatient person. You'll find that out in a second." he said.
The door opened and another guy walked in. I caught a glimpse of his face and I was shocked. My dad? I thought he was dead. How could He be standing in front of me right now?
"Hi princess." he said.
"Daddy?" I asked.
"I've missed you." He bent down to me but I had my guard up like crazy. At this moment I didn't trust him.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm getting my money. You know that boyfriend of yours has gotten you into quite a mess. You probably should have stayed away from him when he cheated on you."
"You don't know anything about him." I said defending bruno.
"But I do sweetheart. He's just gonna keep doing this stuff to you. So come on. Tell daddy where he's at."
"No. I'm not gonna let you hurt him. Do what you have to do to me but you stay away from him." I said.
"If that's your choice." He said getting up. He looked at the other guy. "Do it." he walked out of the room and then the other guy started ripping my clothes off. Oh my god! No! How could my dad let him do this to me? I screamed and cried but nothing made him stop. I couldn't do anything. I was being raped and I was helpless to do anything about it.



I couldn't understand who could take Katie like this. I hoped She was okay. I hoped She wasn't hurt. I would kill someone if she was hurt.
I started asking around to see if anyone had seen her or heard anything and nobody had any information for me. I walked into a bar and spotted three people who would definitively help me. Roman, Seth and Dean. I ran over to them.
"Have you guys seen Katie?" I asked.
"No. Why?" Seth asked.
"What's wrong?" Dean asked.
"She never made it home. Her car is still at the studio, her keys were on the ground and there was blood. I can't find her. I'm really worried about her." I said.
"Alright. Look, we'll help you look for her." Roman said. He threw some money on the table and we all ran out of the car together going on a search party.
My phone rang and I looked at it. An unknown number. I answered it making Seth, Roman and Dean stop and watch me. "Hello?"
"Hi Bruno. You remember me?" a man asked.
"Who the hell is this?" I asked.
"You owe me a lot of money. And since I'm not getting anything from you I took something much more valuable. Have a listen." he said. "Stop please! Help me!" I heard Katie screaming in pain in the background. I was getting super pissed. They had Katie. "Now, if you don't bring my money to the corner of first and Monroe my big guy here is gonna have another round of fun with your pretty little girlfriend. Is that clear?"
"How much?" I asked.
"Fifty thousand." he said.
"That's crazy." I said.
"Yo big Johnny, I think she wants your dick again." he said to someone.
"No! No! Okay. I'll bring the money just don't hurt her." I begged.
"You have until midnight." he said. He hung up and I just looked at the phone.
"What's going on?" Roman asked.
"I need your guys' help. Now." I said before taking off running with them following me.



I had just been raped three times and my dad was just letting this happen. He was definitely gonna pay for this. I would make sure of that.
I heard my dad talking to someone outside the door and then it opened. I whimpered trying to find the words to tell them I had enough. I couldn't take any more of this. I was in pain and in was numb and I just wanted to get out of here.
"Well, it looks like Bruno came through. Big Johnny will take you home sweetie." my dad said crouching down to me. "I hope you know this wasn't personal. I had a job to do. You were just collateral damage."
I couldn't find words. I was enraged. I spit in his face.
He pulled out a cloth and wiped his face before looking back at me. "That's gonna cost you." he walked out and a minute later the huge guy walked in. He took one more round on me before undoing the chains. I couldn't walk. I couldn't move and on top on that I was named except for a torn shirt. The guy carried me out to a can that had inlay two Windows in the front. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black outside. I couldn't even tell where I was.
I was placed in the back of the van and the van drove away. I hoped they were taking me home.



After I delivered the money to the guy I was told they would deliver Katie back me so I had no choice but to meet the guys back at my place.
Right now we were sitting there in silence just waiting for Katie to arrive. I hoped they didn't hurt her in any way. I hoped She would be okay.
"God, if she's hurt I'm gonna murder someone." Roman said.
"You're not alone there." i said.
"She's in this mess because of you." Roman said.
"Hey, I never meant for her to be in this situation. I would never do anything to hurt Katie." i told him.
"Yeah. Whatever. Maybe it's your ass someone should beat." he said.
"Guys. Stop." Seth said. "Did you hear that?"
I ran to the door and yanked it open. A van was taking off pretty fast. I looked down and Katie was laying on the ground with nothing but a torn shirt covering her. "Oh my God." I said. I picked her up and carried her in the house setting her down on the couch and covering her with a blanket. She was just looking one way spacing off but she was breathing so that was a good sign. I got on my knees in front of her and took her hand in mine. "Katie? Baby? Can you hear me?" I asked.
"Daddy. Daddy. I hate you daddy." was all she said.
"Katie, you're dads not alive." I told her. That's when she looked at me. She nodded and let a tear fall.
"He did this. He said You owed him." she said.
My heart sank. Who could do this to their own child? And how was he even alive? My heart hurt so much for her.
"Baby, what did they do to you?" I asked.
She started shaking her head and crying. "No please. Don't make me talk about it. Please. I can't." she cried.
"Baby did they..... Did they rape you?" I asked.
She looked at me and nodded slightly.
"Oh god. I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry. I wish this didn't happen to you. I'm so very sorry." I cried. I hugged her and just held her close while we both cried. I had forgotten that the guys were still there. I didn't care though. I knew Roman wanted to kick my ass for this and I couldn't blame him. I did have some fault in this but I never meant for Katie to fall victim to this.


Katie was asleep and I got up from sitting next to her. Roman, Seth and Dean were standing in the dining room talking. It was about four in the morning but I was completely wired. I wasn't gonna be able to sleep at all.
"Hey guys" I said as I walked in the dining room. "Thanks for all your help. I don't know what I'm gonna do but this is such a mess." I said.
"You think? You got a woman I really care about hurt. You could have gotten her killed. Doesn't that even register to you?" Roman yelled.
"Don't you think I know that? I'm sitting her beating myself up because of it. I'll never be able to forgive myself for this. I love her and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her like you did." I yelled back.
"Ah. Okay. Right. Well lets just say this, you're the one that has to live with this. Not me. So I hope you enjoy a lifetime of misery because this is all your fault." he yelled.
"It's not his fault." I turned around to see Katie standing in the door way of the dining room. She looked like she was in pain but she was holding the door frame so she could stand. "He didn't do this. He didn't do any of this. And I think it's time for you to leave. All three of you." she said angrily.
"Whatever." Roman said. He walked out. Seth and Dean walked over to Katie and patted her shoulder before walking out of the house. She just looked at me still angrily. Oh boy. Here it comes......

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